Page 13 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 1
P. 13
SEA’s Ancilia Trainable Decoy Launcher on Display
UK-based defencefirm SEA is participat- step-change in decoy launcher technology
ing at the ongoing ADAS alongside sister from traditional fixed solutions, Ancilia’s
companies, Chess Dynamics, EID and ELAC trainable nature removes the need to ma-
SONAR, which are all part of the Cohort noeuvre the vessel to counter incoming
PLC Group. The company, which has par- threats. Its relatively small size and weight
ticipated at ADAS before, views the show enables rapid installation on a wide range of
as a key event to promote its range of de- maritime platforms, and it has the capability
fence equipment and is showcasing state- to configure the firing of multiple decoy
of-the-art applications for naval ship and types in varying positions.
fleet protection, and undersea surveillance
systems. “SEA will be showcasing for the SEA is targeting defence requirements in
first time, our Trainable Decoy Launcher, the Philippines for Anti-Submarine Warfare
Ancilia which was recently contracted for (ASW) capability, “Our KraitSense product
a major UK programme, and our agile-plat- upgrade programmes of the Philippine Navy. is a high performance, passive thin line
form Anti-Submarine Warfare capability, towed array ASW and ISR system that has
KraitSense which was recently contracted Ancilia, SEA’s highly modular and flexible been reduced in size, weight, and power to
by a Southeast Asian Navy,” a company maritime countermeasures solution, deliv- enable an ASW capability to be deployed
official told GBP Show Daily. SEA is offering ers effective and rapid protection against from smaller, non ASW and ISR specialist
its Torpedo Launcher System and Ancilia modern anti-ship threats, as well as oth- vessels, such as OPV’s and coastal patrol
Decoy Launcher System for future build or er sophisticated systems and tactics. A crafts.”
PTDI Eyeing Philippine Air Force ASW Need
Following the meeting between Indonesian
President Joko Widodo and Philippine
Secretary of National Defence Gilberto
Eduardo Gerardo C. Teodoro Jr. in January
2024, PTDI and Indonesia are poised to
achieve a new milestone in the Philippines:
the potential acquisition of CN235-220
Maritime Patrol Aircraft and Anti-Submarine
Warfare (MPA/ASW) for the Philippine Navy.
PTDI has announced its strategic collabo-
ration with SCYTALYS, a leading software
development and systems integration
company with offices in Greece, the USA,
and Singapore. SCYTALYS specializes in
Mission Systems, Tactical Data Links, and
Interoperability Solutions. This partnership
aims to address the MPA and ASW needs
of the Philippines.
“SCYTALYS is thrilled to enhance the
CN235’s role as a versatile and cost-ef- ASW demands from other countries. “We are and Senegal. This agreement includes the
fective solution, meeting the growing de- intensifying our efforts to make the CN235- procurement of two CN235-220 Military
mands for multi-role surveillance, maritime 220 more competitive, with the goal of Transport aircraft for the Congolese Air
patrolling and SAR platforms. Our MIMS securing new export contracts,” stated Gita Force. Besides, five units of the N219 were
Airborne is a state-of-the-art, modular and Amperiawan, President Director of PTDI. also contracted at the same time by the
scalable Mission System that combined DRC Government.
with the CN235-220 from PTDI offer a As an additional update, during the
unique solution for effective MPA/ASW High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Similarly, at the Bali International Airshow
missions”, said Dimitris Karantzavelos, Partnership (HLF MSP) and Indonesia-Africa 2024, PTDI signed a Letter of Intent (LoI)
President of SCYTALYS. Forum (IAF) 2024 event in Bali weeks ago, with PT Indo Aviasi Perkasa for the acqui-
sition of two N219 aircraft. This LoI under-
PTDI signed a Framework Agreement with scores PT Indo Aviasi Perkasa’s commit-
PTDI and SCYTALYS will work closely to- AD Trade Belgium for military business ment to purchasing the N219, reflecting
gether, not only to fulfill the requirements development involving the air forces of confidence in the aircraft’s innovative and
of the Philippines but also to cater to MPA/ the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) efficient aviation solutions.
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