Page 4 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 1
P. 4

Turkish Attack Helicopters                                                conditions. The aircraft’s advanced obser-
                                                                                            vation and targeting system and precision
                                                                                            weapons capability will provide lethal fire
                  Boost Philippines Defence                                                 support to surface forces with less collateral
                                                                                            damage. The attack helicopter’s battlefield
                                                                                            survivability is maximized by state of the art
                                                                                            integrated Aircraft Survivability Equipment
                                                                                            (ASE) including advanced Electronic Warfare
                                                                                            (EW) processor, Radar Warning Receiver
                                                                                            (RWR), Laser Warning System (LWS), Missile
                                                                                            Warning System (MWS) and advanced
                                                                                            self-protection using enhanced chaff and
                                                                                            flare Countermeasures Dispensing System
                                                                                            (CMDS), radar and IR jamming capability.
                                                                                            It can attain a speed of 281 kmph, has                                                      SPYDER™ Family
                                                                                            a range of 537 km and an endurance of
                                                                                            three hours (at Average Mission Weight,                                           Mobile Air Defense Systems
                                                                                            ISA – Sea Level). The helicopter is heavily
                                                                                            armed for its size with four wing stations
                                                                                            carrying a range of weapons and also has
                                                                                            a chin-mounted 20 mm turreted gun with
                                                                                            500 rounds. It can carry eight UMTAS Anti-
                                                                                            Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM) or 76 x 70
                                                                                            mm (2.75”) classic rockets or 48 x 70 mm
              The Philippine Air Force (PAF) has boosted  was part of the priority projects under Horizon  (2.75”) classic rockets or 16 x 70 mm (2.75”)
              its aerial combat and ground attack capabil-  2 of the AFP Modernization Programme.  CIRIT guided ATGMs or eight Stinger Air-to-
              ity, having completed the induction of all six  The helicopters were ordered at a cost of  Air (AAM) missiles or 2 auxiliary fuel tanks
              Turkish Aerospace T129 ‘ATAK’ helicopters  USD286 million (approximately PHP 13.8   carrying 294L each.
              ordered in July 2020. The last of six T129s  billion at then exchange rates) in July 2020.
              was delivered to the PAF’s 15th Strike Wing  The PAF took delivery of its first two T129s
              in May, this year. The T129 ATAK #1505 and  in March, 2022, with two more helicopters   The T129 ATAK Helicopter was developed
              #1506 helicopters were delivered to the PAF  delivered in December the same year. The   to fulfill the attack helicopter requirements
              last November and were the fifth and sixth  PAF’s 15th Strike Wing is also home to   of the Turkish Armed Forces, leveraging
              T129 ATAK helicopters acquired through  Embraer A-29 Super Tucanos, AH-1S Cobra   Türkiye’s specific national capabilities and
              a negotiated (government to government)  attack helicopters from Jordan, the AW-  has been optimized for challenging “hot and
              procurement with Turkey.  “These dedicated  109AH helicopter and other types. The PAF’s   high” missions, effectively supporting the
              attack helicopters are expected to enhance  15th Strike Wing was organized and acti-  operations of the Turkish Armed Forces with
              the combat operational capability of PAF  vated as a provisional unit on 26 November  its high manoeuvrability and performance
              and address the capability gap identified in  1973, at Sangley Point, Cavite City, with a  in both day and night conditions. As part
              urban warfare,” a PAF spokesperson said.  mission statement: To conduct counterin-  of the ATAK Programme, 76 T129 ATAK
              The Philippines is the first export customer  surgency and special warfare operations.   Helicopters will be delivered to the Turkish
              to receive the T129, though Pakistan was                                      Land Forces Command (59 definite and
              originally destined to be the first recipient   The T129 ATAK is a twin-engine dedicat-  17 optional), 27 to the Turkish Ministry of
              of the Turkish-built attack helicopter.   ed attack helicopter configured for day  Interior (24 definite and 3 optional), six to
                                                     and night missions. It has proven its high  the Philippines Air Force (completed) , and
              The acquisition of the T129 ATAK helicopters  performance in hot, high, and maritime  six to the Nigerian Air Force.

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                                                                                                                                                     ADAS 2024

                                                                                                                                                     Booth No. 1310                                                      SMART AND TO THE POINT.

               4  SEPTEMBER-25-2024                                                                   WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS

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