Page 7 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 1
P. 7

Aselsan Focussing on Defence Exports

              Turkey’s leading defence manufacturer,
              Aselsan, is demonstrating strong growth
              with high export prospects, and recently
              announced a 133 percent increase in net
              profit in the first six months of 2024, as
              compared to the same period last year. The
              company inked a series of new contracts,
              worth approximately US$2.6 billion, an in-
              crease of 124 percent as compared to the
              same period in 2023. Aselsan’s outstanding
              orders now stand at to US$12.3 billion, an
              increase of 11 percent as compared to
              US$ 11 billion at the end of 2023. Aselan’s
              CEO Ahmet Akyol said, “We are raising our
              success bar every day with our high growth
              performance that is embodied in numbers.”
              Aselsan continues to rise up the ranks of
              the world’s largest defence industry com-
              panies, rising five places this year to 42nd
              as compared to 2023, when it ranked 47th
              on the Defence News Top 100 list.

              “As the leader of our country’s defence in-
              dustry, we have achieved many new and im-
              portant successes in the first six months of   and systems. In the first six months of  the first time in Europe. The Reis Class New
              2024. We have embodied with our financial   2024, we continued our rise by developing  Type Submarine TCG PİRİREİS, features a
              data that we are walking towards the future   game-changing technologies, making the  large number of systems, primarily com-
              with confident steps. Our financial results   best products in our field, and growing with  munication system solutions developed for
              show that we have become a world power   an export focus,” Akyol added.       a submarine platform for the first time by
              in technology with our reliable products                                      Aselsan. The extended range firing test of

              “As a result of our                    Aselsan has successfully transitioned into   HİSAR O has also proved succesful along
                                                                                            with the destruction of a target using an
                                                     a global defence company. “As a result of
              hard work, we have                     our hard work, we have become a global   Aselsan TOLUN Ammunition fired from a
                                                                                            Bayraktar AKINCI Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
                                                     company that has a presence in a very
              become a global                        wide geography. We have signed export   (UAV).
                                                     contracts for the first time for eight of our
              company that has a                     products such as KORKUT, CENK, FERSAH,   “Within the scope of the aselsanext 2030
                                                     ASELFLIR 500, GÖZDE. We have continued
              presence in a very                     our activities to make ASELSAN a global   vision that we have implemented, we aim
                                                                                            to be among the top 30 companies in the
              wide geography.”                       brand.” Akyol confidently asserted.    defence industry worldwide in 2030,” Akyol
                                                                                            added. “We make all our plans knowing that
                                                     Since the beginning of this year, Aselsan  we are among the favorite players of the
              CEO Aselsan Ahmet Akyol                has delivered the Portable Early Warning  world defence league. In line with this goal,
                                                     Radar System ALP 300-G, which is a very  we want to primarily deepen our technology
                                                     critical project for Turkey’s  fully indepen-  as we move towards 2030. We will continue
                                                     dent defence ecosystem. Aselsan is now a  to expand our export network and develop
                                                     company that can produce radars in every  technologies that will leave their mark on
                                                     frequency band and with the entry of its  the world with the offices we have opened
                                                     Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)  in South America, the Balkans and the Gulf
                                                     aircraft nose radar the company is able to  region.”
                                                     meet all of the nation’s needs in the radar
                                                                                            Today, Aselsan produces over 500 products
                                                                                            which are used domestically and abroad.
                                                     Aselsan is continuing development work  It has a presence in a very wide geogra-
                                                     of the GÖKSUR Close Air Defence System,  phy from Malaysia to Chile, from Poland
                                                     which will play a critical role against all kinds  to the UAE and has initiated four major
                                                     of aerial threats. It has also showcased  investments exceeding 400 million dollars
                                                     the 8x8 vehicle-integrated version of the  to increase mass production capacity and
                                                     KORKUT Air Defence Weapon System for  capabilities.

              ASIAN DEFENCE & SECURITY (ADAS) 2024                                                          SEPTEMBER-25-2024 7

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