Page 13 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 3
P. 13

Azerbaijan’s Very Own Kalan Model on Display

                                                                                      Azerbaijan is showcasing its prowess in
                                                                                      building unmanned vehicles. On display
                                                                                      at the ADEX are the indigenously made
                                                                                      Kalan and Sugovushan kamikaze drones,
                                                                                      which will soon be made available to the
                                                                                      Azerbaijani Army.

                                                                                      The Kalan USV measures 1,500 mm in
                                                                                      length and 400 mm in width, with an op-
                                                                                      erational range of 20 miles, a speed of 30
                                                                                      km/h, and a weight of 5 kg.

                                                                                      The unmanned Sugovushan is 2,200 mm
                                                                                      long and 500 mm wide, weighing 60 kg,
                                                                                      and is capable of reaching a speed of 50
                                                                                      km/h with the same operational range of 20
                                                                                      miles, while its payload capacity is between
                                                                                      10-15 kg.

                                                                                      An official said testing of these vessels have
                                                                                      already begun and they have found them
                                                                                      successful in all parameteres.

                                                                                      Azerbaijan has launched various processes
                                                                                      to develop effective defence system based
                                                                                      on national strategy and procedures and
                                                                                      efficient interagency cooperation.

        Turkiye, Azerbaijan Ink Military-Technical Co-op Agreement

        Turkiye and Azerbaijan have signed several  military, military-technical, military-educa-  confidence  that  joint  military-technical
        agreements to further enhance the defence  tional and military-medical spheres was  projects will further enhance the defence
        capabilities of both the countries.    expressed. Additionally, a wide exchange of  capability of both fraternal countries and
                                               views on the prospects for the development  discussed new prospects for cooperation.
        Minister of Defence of the Republic of  of bilateral relations, regional security and
        Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov,  other issues was also held.       The importance of expanding joint produc-
        met with the Minister of National Defence of                                  tion through the use of technological inno-
        the Republic of Türkiye, Yaşar Güler, during  Several contracts on military-technical coop-  vations was also emphasized, a defence
        the ongoing ADEX 2024.                 eration were signed at the end of both meet-  ministry official in Baku said.
                                               ings. Details of the contracts were not
        The meeting highlighted that Azerbaijani-  readily available.
        Turkish  relations  are  based  on  friend-                                    Colonel General Z.Hasanov met with a del-
        ship, brotherhood and strategic alliance.  The meeting, which was also attended by  egation led by the President of Secretariat
        Satisfaction with the current state of co-  the heads of several leading companies  of Defence Industries under the Presidency
        operation between the two countries in the  of the Turkish military industry, expressed  of the Republic of Türkiye, Haluk Gorgun.

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-26-2024 13
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