Page 9 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 3
P. 9

Excerpts from the interview:             our capabilities portfolio, and explore   technologies, such as artificial intelli-
                                                 commercial opportunities locally and    gence, electronic warfare, secure commu-
        Q: Literally, you now have an edge over ev-  globally.                           nications and cybersecurity, are already
        erybody. How has the journey been so far?                                        critical in driving national security.
                                               Q: What about the challenges and com-
        I think Edge Group is very unique and di-  petition out there? How do you face this
        verse. We have gained the experience to  challenge?                              That is why Edge is heavily investing in all
                                                                                         of these priority domains, to ensure we
        develop agile, bold and disruptive solutions
        for defence and beyond, and to be a catalyst   For all challenges, we find a solution.   stay ahead of tomorrow’s national securi-
                                                                                         ty and critical infrastructure concerns. At
        for change and transformation. Our interna-  We never send a project mission that
        tional expansion plans are well planned, and   could be a disadvantage for the customer.   Edge, we ensure that we are positioned
                                                                                         to respond in real-time to the growing
        we collaborate with frontline operators and   Our facility combines theory, technolo-
        international partners, leveraging advanced   gy and practice under one roof to drive   needs of our clients, such as the critical
                                                                                         demand for operational readiness, inter-
        technologies such as autonomous systems,   improvements and inspire an innovative
        cyber-physical systems, advanced propul-  approach to transform future processes   national supply chain reinforcement and
                                                                                         access to advanced autonomous aerial
        sion systems, robotics, and smart materials.  and products. Our forward-thinking strat-
                                                 egy helps us maintain our competitive   systems, land systems, cyber defence
        Q: How do you plan to increase your foot-  superiority in a rapidly evolving industry   infrastructure and secure communica-
        print in the international market.       and, crucially, enables us to meet our   tions solutions.
                                                 growing client requirements effectively.
          Our commercial footprint is growing sub-  Aligning business is not only through a
          stantially. Our international partnerships   relationship with a particular country, but   Q: What are your future plans?
          play a central role in strengthening our   also through bilateral cooperation. Each
          defence and advanced technology value   one can learn from the other. There are   Edge is aggressively pursuing its product
          chains. These collaborations support   areas in which there is minimum overlap,   development roadmap and is fast becom-
          export growth, boost national capabili-  and in which the two entities can profit   ing a partner of choice in the domains of
          ties, and enhance the UAE’s industriali-  from each other.                     autonomous systems, smart weapons,
          sation strategy. We are present in over                                        electronic warfare and secure commu-
          50 countries and across five continents,  Q: How do you see the defence landscape   nications. A large portion of the group’s
          solidifying our reputation as a global  with security unrest in the region?    robust growth strategy is anchored in its
          player and as a major exporter of defence                                      acquisitions of highly-specialised defence
          systems. To capitalise on our growth, we   Today, the world finds itself in an increas-  companies and small and medium-sized
          will continue to pursue our aggressive   ingly uncertain and precarious position,   enterprises. With our innovative and mod-
          product roadmap, harness and develop   making tomorrow’s security landscape    ern production approach, we will continue
          breakthrough technologies, strike part-  unpredictable and the defence industry   to have the edge in this competitive world
          nerships with industry players, diversify   vulnerable to sudden changes. Disruptive   of defence technology.

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-26-2024 9
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