Page 14 - DSA 2024 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 14

South Korean Defence Companies Grow

        Footprint in Malaysia, Region

        Countries across regions are increasingly  South Korea, which has made giant strides  of 2026. KAI has plans to develop KF-21
        staying away from Russian arms due to  in the defence sector in recent years, is num-  Block-2 with upgraded air-to-ground attack
        the fear of inviting U.S. sanctions, opening  ber nine on the list of top weapons export-  capabilities by 2028. Among the jet’s poten-
        the door for other arms exporters such as  ers; the country accounted for 2.4 percent  tial buyers are Malaysia, Peru, Philippines,
        South Korea to fill the gap.           of the world’s defence exports from 2018   Thailand, Qatar and Senegal.
                                               to 2022, an increase over 0.5 percent over
        With Malaysia and many countries in the  the previous five-year period.  In February
        region on the lookout for new weapons,  last year, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI)   Among South Korea’s major exports in re-
        growing arms exporters like South Korea  won a US$920 million contract to deliver 18   cent years have been the sale of patrol
        and Turkey have made major inroads into  FA-50 jets to Malysia; the first aircraft is due   corvettes to Malaysia (US$1.2 billion), 12
        the market over the last few years. Malaysia,  for delivery in 2026. Significantly, KAI staved   FA-50 light combat aircraft to Philippines
        which has been dependent on foreign sup-  off competition from an Asian company -  (US$420 million), 16 T-50s to Indonesia
        pliers for their defence needs, was among  India’s Hindustan Aeronautics, makers of  (US$4 billion), 12 T-50s to Thailand (US$110
        the major importers of Russian weapons,  the Tejas light combat aircraft – to win  million) and military vehicles to Philippines
        but there has been a significant drop off in  the contract. The FA-50, a combat-capable  (US$345 million USD). In July last 2022,
        the country’s arms purchases from Russia in  derivative of the T-50 Golden Eagle trainer,  KAI signed the deal for 12 FA-50 Block 10
        recent years.  In 2017, Malaysia retired the  is popular in the region, with three other  and 36 FA-50PL Block 20 with the Polish
        MiG-29 fighter aircraft from service and has  Southeast Asian countries - Indonesia, the   government; the FA-50 Block 10 jets have
        also had problems keeping its Su-30MKM  Philippines and Thailand - also operating   been delivered/
        ground-attack aircraft operational.    the aircraft type.

        There has been a decrease in Malaysia’s im-  The South Korean defence industry has   Malaysia and South Korea seem keen on
        port of U.S.-made weapons as well, with the   earned a name for itself through the sale   further building up their partnership in the
        country keen on an equidistant relationship   of its   armoured vehicles, tanks and fight-  defence sector. In January, the two countries
        with both the U.S. and China considering   er jet trainers, cluster bombs and rocket   held high-level discussions to boost the
        their power struggle in the region. Another   launchers, to a growing list of countries.   bilateral defence and arms industry cooper-
        reason for the fall in imports, apart from is   The country’s biggest defence project - the   ation in cybersecurity and other areas. Joint
        the coming of age of new defence industries   KF-21 Boramae - has been approved for   drills are in the anvil. Recently, South Korea’s
        that offer weapons comparable in quality   mass production. The fighter jet is much  destroyer Yang Man Choon (DDH-1) arrived
        and significantly cheaper than those made   in demand internationally even though the  at the Port Klang Cruise Terminal, signifying
        by defence contractors in North America   South Korean Air Force is only expected  their commitment to enhance defence ties
        and Europe.                            to induct its first KF-21in the second half  and maritime security cooperation.

        14  MAY-07-2024                                                                          WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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