Page 13 - DSA 2024 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 13

Malaysian Navy Has Eyes Set

        on Assault Craft for Paskal

                                                                                      BAE Systems



        The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has plans  operations forces, facilitating insertion
        to procure two assault craft for its special  and extraction missions, as well as coast-  BAE Systems is highlighting the capa-
        forces unit, Paskal. These assault craft will  al patrol operations.          bilities of Nautomate, an autonomous
        be stationed, one each, at the Lumut Naval   Despite this speculation, the allocated   control system for uncrewed marine ve-
        Base in Perak and Sri Semporna in Sabah.  budget of approximately MYR 600,000   hicles, by demonstrating it on a United
                                               (equivalent to around USD 126,000) in-  Engineering Systems P38 Aggressor fast
        These vessels, referred to as “High End   dicates that the RMN’s intention is not to   interceptor boat.
        Military Water Craft” by the RMN, have   acquire CCA or other types in the same
        sparked speculation regarding their design,   category. Although specific figures have   According to the company, the system
        with some suggesting they may draw inspi-  not been publicly disclosed, it is estimat-  provides assured mission delivery in
        ration from the Combatant Craft Assault   ed that the cost of each air-transportable   complex, congested and contested en-
        (CCA) boats utilised by the US Navy SEAL.   and air-droppable CCA exceeds USD 5   vironments. BAE Systems is collaborat-
        The CCA boats are purpose-built for special   million.                        ing with military customers and industry
                                                                                      partners inside and outside defence to
                                                                                      integrate Nautomate on a broad range
        Sarsilmaz Showcases Small Arms,                                               of third-party platforms.

        Machine Guns at DSA 2024                                                      Nautomate, designed-in for new plat-
                                                                                      forms or retro-fitted to existing platforms,
                                                                                      is  capable  of  operating  with  surface
                                                                                      and sub-surface systems. According to
                                                                                      the company, the scalable architecture
                                                                                      makes it suitable for platforms from 6m
                                                                                      to 50m in length. Supplied either pre-in-
                                                                                      tegrated or as an upgrade solution to an
                                                                                      existing vessel, the system provides third
                                                                                      party platforms with a high specification
                                                                                      autonomous capability that can be easily
                                                                                      maintained and upgraded. Nautomate is
                                                                                      a cyber secure, future proofed system
                                                                                      that allows for capability plug-ins to fa-
        Sarsilmaz has brought its range of weap-  “We are the main arms supplier of the   cilitate advanced autonomy behaviours
        ons to the ongoing show. The company is  Turkish Armed Forces and Gendarmerie,”   or quickly update software with new
        displaying its defence products from small  he added.                         algorithms.
        arms, assault rifles to the medium and
        heavy machine guns.                    Having entered serial production in
                                               2014, the gun is replacing Turkish Armed   Sarsilmaz is also displaying a couple of
                                               Forces’ old battle rifle types such as the   squad-operated and vehicle mounted medi-
        “This is the national Turkish rifle, a standard   H&K G3 and HK33.          um-caliber and heavy machine guns at the
        rifle for our military,” said Hakan Ozadali,                                show.
        Sarsilmaz’s Import Manager, while showcas-  Aside from the MPT-76 SH, the company
        ing the MPT-76 SH, a 7.62x51 mm caliber  is also displaying its handguns, as well  “We have many different items in our prod-
        battle rifle. The name itself is an acronym  as AK and AR-15 based assault rifle prod-  uct range. Our range is such that we can
        of “Millî Piyade Tüfeği” or National İnfantry  ucts customizable to fit a wide-range of  meet specific demands from any country,”
        Rifle.                                 operational requirements.            he concluded.

        DSA 2024                                                                                             MAY-07-2024 13
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