Page 4 - DSA 2024 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 4

KNDS France Proposes Local

        Assembly of Caesar 155 mm SPH

        KNDS France, which is the main provider of  operated by Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia,  a tactical transport aircraft (C130-Hercules
        artillery systems for the Royal Malaysian  Belgium, Canada and Colombia. The army  type). A crew of only five men is enough to
        Army and a strategic industrial partner for   also received Army long range ERG3 am-  operate the artillery gun that can fire rounds
        the Malaysian defence industry, has further   munition and Bacara Ballistic Computers.  to ranges of up to 17km. A 105 LG1 gun can
        expanded its partnership with the Malaysian                                   be set up to fire in 30 seconds and will shoot
        firm Advanced Defence Systems (ADS) with  ADS, which is a member of the Weaponry  at a rate of at least 12 rounds per minute.
        the Caesar 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer  Working Group and Malaysia Industry   KNDS France also showcasing at DSA its
        (SPH). The Malaysian Army is looking to pur-  Council for Defence, Enforcement and   armoured vehicles, Air Defence solutions
        chase new 155 mm SPHs. ADS had signed  Security (MIDES), is displaying, for the first   (including the RAPIDFire turret) and full
        an MoU with Nexter on the third day of DSA  time at DSA, one of the Malaysian Army’s   range of ammunition from 20mm to 155mm
        2022 to assemble Nexter’s Caesar 155 mm  105 mm LG 1 MKIII howitzers that was   and its robots.
        Self-Propelled Howitzer in its facility in  assembled in the country. The 105 LG1 is
                                               a 105mm gun that weighs only 1,650 kg  The KNDS – ADSSB partnership is an ex-
        Malaysia. The Caesar 155mm SPH is to be   and is designed for intervention and rapid  ample of cross-border cooperation aimed at
        assembled and integrated in the industrial   reaction forces. It can be towed by a light  strengthening Malaysia’s defence capabili-
        facilities of ADSSB in Segamat, State of   vehicle, transported by an average helicopter  ties and increasing investment, particularly
        Johor. After achieving notable success in   (PUMA or Bell 212 type) or parachuted by  in the national defence industry.
        Thailand and Indonesia for its Caesar 155
        mm SPH, KNDS France has set its eyes to
        repeat the same success in Malaysia.
        It was also announced at the show that
        both companies would address selected
        export markets for the 105 mm LG1 MKIII,
        creating additional value to the Malaysian
        eco-system. KNDS France had received an
        order from Malaysia’s Ministry of Defence
        (MINDEF) in 2018 for the assembly and
        delivery of 18 units of 105 mm LG 1 MKIII
        howitzers to the Malaysian army. The first
        six of 18 howitzers were delivered in 2020.
        Malaysia was the seventh country to acquire
        the Nexter 105 LG1, which was already

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