Page 20 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 3
P. 20
Southeast Asia an Attractive
Market for Türkiye’s Defence Firms
Capt. Adam Abdullah and Mohan Neerjoo, Asian market with countries such as Baykar Technology, manufacturer of the
from Malaysia, are at the ongoing SAHA Malaysia and Indonesia ordering Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drone. According to reports,
Expo 2024, hoping to make headway in their weapons systems such as drones, anti-ship the Indonesian Navy is interested in acquir-
mission to procure the by Turkish Aerospace missiles, and warships. ing Bayraktar Akinci, made by Baykar, and
Industries (TAI)-produced Hürkuş trainer more units of the Anka UCAV,. Baykar and
aircraft that will be used by students at the In June this year, Türkiye and Malaysia TAI are also prepared to collaborate with
Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology signed an agreement for STM to build three Indonesia’s Dirgantara, Indonesian aero-
(UniKL MIAT), the nation’s premier aviation vessels for the Royal Malaysian Navy under space firm, on transfer of technology.
training institution. the latter’s Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2
Project. Products from a number of Turkish Indonesia has also decided to buy 45
“This is our second trip to Türkiye this year,” defence industry firms, including Havelsan, Atmaca anti-ship guided missiles; the coun-
says Neerjoo. “There is a lot to like Aselsan and Roketsan, will be used on the try is the first international customer for
about the Turkish defence in- ships. Roketsan’s surface-to-surface missile. The
Atmaca will replace American-built AGM-84
dustry. They are interested in “Türkiye’s defence firms produce Harpoons. In November 2022, Roketsan
building relationships. They are highly capable products at very signed a contract with Jakarta to supply
more than open to transfer of competitive prices,” says Capt. the Khan short-range ballistic missile, the
export version of Turkey’s Bora-1 SRBM.
technology and are willing to Abdullah. “They have found a
train our people as well. It is not very effective way to expand Rising Power
a surprise that the industry is their reach internationally.” Turkey, which was not too long ago a ma-
growing at a fast pace.” Indonesia in 2023 signed a US$300 million jor importer of weapons, is now the 11th
In 2021, Turkish Aerospace and UniKL MIAT) deal with TAI for 12 Anka drones that will largest exporter of arms in the world. In
2023, Turkish exports of defence and aero-
signed a Memorandum of Cooperation be used by its army, air force, and navy. space products reached US$5.5 billion, a
(MoC) to collaborate on delivering aero- Full delivery is expected before November 27 percent increase from the previous year.
space educational, technical training and 2025. Indonesia’s defence ministry has According to figures released by Türkiye’s
applied research programs in Malaysia. proposed arming its upcoming Red White Defense Industry Agency (SSB), the Turkish
“They trained about 100 students per year in frigates with Turkish missiles to defend its defence and aviation industry’s export rev-
Kaula Lumpur,” said Capt. Abdullah. “Some vast maritime borders. enues grew by 9.8 percent in the first eight
of them are now working in Türkiye. We want The Indonesian Air Force chief of staff met months of 2024 compared to the same
to see the relationship grow.” the Turkish Air Force commander in Ankara period last year, touching US$ 3.7 billion.
Market with Potential in July this year to discuss collaboration on In August alone, the country’s defence and
a range of issues such as strengthening air aerospace exports reached US$423 million,
In recent years, Türkiye’s defence firms have defences, among other things. The service up by 12.6 percent compared to the same
had significant success in the Southeast chief also visited facilities belonging to month of the previous year.