Page 15 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 4
P. 15

TUSAS Engine Industries (TEI), Turkiye’s   MAM and EÜAŞ; the first blade      Understanding to expand cooperation for
        leading aviation engine company, is show-  produced was put into operation    Advanced Jet Training Aircraft Program
        casing its growing portfolio of engines at the                                HÜRJET. TEI will evaluate and collaborate
        ongoing SAHA Expo. On display are Turkiye’s  at the power plant in Ambarlı.  on the integration of GE Aerospace’s F404
        first national helicopter engine TEI-TS1400,   This blade has reached a work-  engine into new HÜRJET aircraft versions.
        Turkiye’s first national turbodiesel aviation   ing time of over 12,000 hours   Thanks to the previous cooperation between
        engine TEI-PD170, Turkiye’s first aircraft                                    the three companies, the F404 engine has
        engine TEI-TF6000 and Turkiye’s most pow-  and is still active. This project,   been successfully incorporated into the
        erful turbofan engine TEI-TF10000. The TEI- which  started in  the  energy  Turkish Air Force’s HÜRJET trainer jet, which
        PD170 holds various records for its altitude   sector, was later expanded by   is currently in the qualification phase. The
        capability and flight endurance.                                              second prototype aircraft is due to make its
                                               TEI with the development of            maiden flight before the end of the month.
        Speaking to Daily News, a company official  turbine blades used in aviation

        said the products on display demonstrate   engines. Now, with the support      In March, this year, TEI became the first avi-
        Turkey’s current state in the field of avi-  of our Presidency of Defense  ation engine company in Turkey to receive
        ation engines. The engine maker is also                                       design organization approval. TEI success-
        evaluating new cooperation opportunities   Industries, we will transfer this   fully completed the processes of the General
        by offering its services and products to the  technology, which we  have      Directorate of Civil Aviation (SHGM) and
        global aviation sector.  TEI also entered into   taken one step further, back  received the “Design Organization Approval”
        an important cooperation agreement with   to the energy sector. Energy in-    (TOO) required for the type certification of
        the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB)                                    domestic and national aviation engines.
        and Electricity Generation Inc. (EÜAŞ) at  dependence is a very strategic     TEI will now be able to carry out the cer-
        the show. With this signed agreement, the   issue and thanks to this project,   tification of domestically and nationally
        incidental maintenance, periodic mainte-  we will have made significant  developed engines within the scope of this
        nance-repair, modifications and material                                      authority. TEI has also received the Part 145
        supply of gas and steam turbines in the   progress in this area. I would      Maintenance Organization Approval from
        EÜAŞ inventory will be provided by TEI.  like to thank all institutions and   EASA (European Civil Aviation Agency) for

        TEI’s CEO Prof. Dr. Mahmut F. Akşit said, “In  employees who contributed to  the parts maintenance service it has been
        2007-2008, Turkey’s first nickel  this exemplary project.”                    providing for TP400 engines used in A400M
        superalloy turbine blade was                                                  military cargo aircraft since 2018. TEI was
        developed in cooperation with          Earlier this year in July, Turkish Aerospace  established in 1985 between GE Aerospace
                                               Industries,  TEI  and  GE  Aerospace  had  and Turkish Aerospace Industries, as a joint
        Sabancı University, TÜBİTAK  also  entered  into  a  Memorandum  of  venture company.

        SAHA EXPO 2024                                                                                   OCTOBER-25-2024 15
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