P. 38
Kingdom and United States. regards to supply chain and talent regulatory policies, and implemen-
Examples of first-time participants availability. tation approaches as the industry
include JetZero and Panasonic moves towards the commercialisa-
Avionics which will showcase its They will explore how these chal- tion phase.
blended-wing aircraft developments lenges and opportunities are
and in-flight passenger experience, reshaping development plans, Aviation CEO Forum gathers senior
respectively. industry structure, business strat- airline leaders from around the
egy and models at the global level. globe to tackle key topics from the
Q With the changing equations Also on the agenda are panel dia-
in aviation technology, inflow logues on how sustainability, digital strength of the sector’s recovery
to business challenges such as
of new-generation aircraft and transformation and supply chain aircraft delivery delays and proofing
digitalization of the industry, resilience are spurring investments companies against potential exter-
several new challenges are being in technological innovations and nal risks. The China-Singapore
thrown up. Would the Airshow be opening up new opportunities for Bilateral Aviation Forum discusses
addressing these challenges? international cooperation.
priorities in the post-pandemic
world where sustainability, digital
In every edition of the Airshow, we Q Singapore Airshow has long
work closely with our partners to been a platform that encourages transformation and supply chain
resilience are driving investments in
carefully curate programmes that robust discussion about key innovation.
address industry challenges and issues and challenges facing the
opportunities. These are imbued in industry through its key confer-
the AeroForum series, Singapore ences. What can we expect on Q Past shows have witnessed
Airshow’s thought leadership that end? new events being introduced to
and knowledge exchange forums the Airshow. Are you introducing
where topics ranging from supply AeroForum is Singapore Airshow’s any new features in the upcoming
chain resilience, digital transforma- centre of thought leadership featur- show?
tion, and sustainable aviation are ing a series of forums that facilitates
discussed. crucial conversations aimed at pro- What’s Next @ Singapore Airshow
pelling the industry forward. For this is our strategic collaboration with
Our media roundtable, organised ninth edition, we have put together Starburst – the world’s premier
ahead of Singapore Airshow, is four focus areas to address differ- aerospace and defence start-up
another platform where we drive ent aspects of the aviation sector: accelerator and strategic advisory
discussions around the indus- Sustainable Aviation, Aviation practice. It will see 30 - 40 start-
try’s concerns and seek to obtain CEO, Advanced Air Mobility, and ups from 12 countries, including
insights and perspectives from our China-Singapore Bilateral Aviation India, Japan, Singapore, the United
panel comprising industry leaders Forums, through the Singapore States, and the United Kingdom
and trailblazers. Airshow’s partnerships with showcasing their cutting-edge
McKinsey & Company, FlightGlobal, technologies in sustainability,
Q Singapore is working towards Alton Aviation Consultancy, the dual use technologies, air traffic
further cementing its position Chinese Society of Aeronautics management and digitalisation in
as an MRO (maintenance, repair and Astronautics (CSAA), and the aerospace and defence industries
and overhaul) hub of the region. Association of Aerospace Industries to a global network of potential
In what way can we expect this (Singapore) (AAIS) respectively. investors, accelerators, and corpo-
issue to be highlighted during the rate partners.
Airshow? The Sustainable Aviation Forum will
take a deep dive on critical topics
Alton estimated that global MRO such as the challenges and oppor- These inspiring innovators will
spend will grow from US$112 billion tunities within sustainable aviation receive expert guidance on partner-
in 2023 to US$139 billion by 2033, including regulatory regimes, ships, funding, joint development
at a CAGR of 2.2%; with Asia technology innovation and R&D opportunities, and commercialisa-
Pacific being the largest source at collaborations with the ultimate goal tion opportunities as part of their
35% of global demand. Industry of achieving net-zero emissions accelerated journey to establishing
business and thought leaders will while the Advanced Air Mobility an industry presence and showcas-
examine how strong demand for Forum explores the different busi- ing their innovative products and
manufacturing and MRO capac- ness models of this revolutionary solutions that will help to reshape
the aerospace landscape..
ity has created challenges with category of aviation transport, its