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stakeholders and public demonstra-  Infrastructure development for      view to non-firm orders and options
        tions to showcase the safety and    AAM is gaining significant traction   placed.
        capabilities of UAM vehicles.       around the globe. In the Asia Pacific
                                            (APAC) region, there have been      AAM operations will unlikely
        Q What is the biggest challenge     continued investments and part-     become a significant part of main-
        that UAM needs to overcome          nerships in AAM infrastructure by   stream carriers’ operations in the
        before it becomes a reality? Is     various stakeholders.               near to medium term. Until eVTOLs
        technology maturing fast enough                                         are able to carry a larger number of
        to ensure safe operations within    As early back in 2019, Skyports,    passengers over a longer distance
        the next two years?                 a vertiport operator, collaborated   for short-haul regional operations,
                                            with Volocopter in launching a      they will be consigned to be used
        Social acceptance is particularly   vertiport prototype in Singapore. It   only by a small segment of these
        critical, as they will determine the   has continued to make progress in   carriers’ customer bases (i.e.,
        ability of UAM to operate within    the region including a collaboration   most-premium passengers only).
        populated areas, and also influence   with AirAsia to study air taxi infra-
        the size of the user base for such   structure development in Malaysia.   Q Activity related to AAM opera-
        services. This is not to say that the   Additionally, the Japanese verti-  tions are in full swing in all major
        other aspects of building out the   port startup, Skyscape, recently    regions. Is any region ahead of
        ecosystem including vehicle certifi-  announced plans to develop an     the others? Where do you expect
        cation, infrastructure build-up, and   ‘Integrated Aviation Centre’, which   operations to start first?
        regulatory standards development    will be among the first vertiport facil-
        are not critical. All aspects of the   ities in the country. In South Korea,   All major regions have shown signif-
        ecosystem need to be developed      we see that Volatus Infrastructure   icant progress in AAM operations.
        for UAM to become a reality – but   has been partnering up with local   However, the initiation of operations
        social acceptance will be key to    firms in order to push ahead AAM    is likely to occur first in regions that
        influence investors’ and regulators’   infrastructure developments there.  exhibit a combination of technolog-
        view of the industry and determine                                      ical maturity, robust government
        the potential to move forward.      However, more still has to be       backing, sufficient infrastructure,
                                            done. AAM infrastructure is not just   and favorable public perception.
        The challenge is not particularly due  about vertiports. There needs to be   Regions where operations are likely
        to the lack of technology maturity.   consideration over the “air infra-  to begin soon, even on a limited
        Multiple AAM vehicles are already   structure” – i.e., the urban air traffic   basis, include China, France, Italy,
        in the type certification process, and  management system, the rules and   Korea, Japan, USA, Saudi Arabia,
        we have EHang being granted both    policies that govern AAM flights    and the UAE.
        the type certificate and Certificate of  within urban areas etc.
        Airworthiness. While regulators are                                     Q It is expected that AAM flights
        still developing their own standards   Q Do you expect mainstream car-  will commence with manned oper-
        for UAM certification and operation,   riers to extensively use eVTOLs   ations. How soon do you expect
        recent safety issues involving the   to expand existing operations? Or   unmanned operations to become
        wider aviation industry will mean   will the AAM sector be dominated    the norm?
        that scrutiny will remain high and   by companies exclusively serving
        OEMs will be subjected to the same  the sector?                         Manned operations have been
        rigorous testing. OEMs will also be                                     taking the centerstage in the AAM
        motivated to ensure a high level of   While airlines have relatively    industry. Unmanned operations
        safety – given that any incidents   defined and feasible use cases for   require a much higher level of
        that happen in these initial stages   eVTOLs to be used as airport shut-  technology capability and com-
        will severely set back the industry.  tles and regional air mobility, there   plexity to develop, and remain a
                                            are many other use cases being put  secondary priority for most OEMs,
        Q Many developers of eVTOL air-     forward for AAM – including aerial   whose primary near-term goal is
        craft are making progress towards  tourism, logistics, and even medical   the certification of manned opera-
        certification. Has infrastructure   / organ transport which will be run   tions of a new class of aircraft. It will
        development for advanced air        by other general aviation opera-    likely be in the mid to late 2030s at
        mobility operations kept pace,      tors. This is the reason why airlines   the earliest where we might even
        in the Asia Pacific and other       currently only make up ~30% of the   see any large-scale development
        regions?                            firm orders that are placed – this   in passenger-carrying unmanned
                                            share decreases if we expand the    eVTOLs..

        WWW.GBP.COM.SG                                                     SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2024 INSIGHT ∙ FEBRUARY 2024  33
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