Page 14 - AAA JULY-AUGUST 2012 Online Magazine
P. 14


           which  is  great  if  your  workforce  is   opportunities,” he says. this he says, is   ABOVE LEFT Students at Pratt &
        full  of  potential  nobel  prize-winners   not just a “good idea” that offers good Pr   Whitney’s facility at the University
        or  James  Dysons.  But  as  most  human   and annual report copy, but something   of Conneticut examine a cutaway
                                                                                turbofan engine
        resource  departments  will  agree,  most   that  brings  rewards.  it  means  that  the
        aren’t. in which case some infrastructure   company  as  a  whole  becomes  more   ABOVE RIGHT Dr Alan Epstein,
        or systemic organisation needs to be put   efficient  at  delivering  services  to  the   VP of Science and Technology at
        in place to make sure that new ideas will   clients, adds new business, and improves   Pratt & Whitney
        flower – and don’t wilt.            revenue per hour.
           “innovation   requires   nurturing.   likewise   at   eurocopter,   where
        it  is  behaviour-driven  and  requires   the  company  asserts  that  innovation
        a  group  effort  to  achieve  the  best   is  not  simply  a  buzzword  but  a  way
        results,”  explains    naguib  Mohd  nor,   of  life.  “Fostering  innovation  and
        coo  at  strand  aerospace  Malaysia.  his   entrepreneurship  is  a  top  priority
        company,  which  works  on  many  asian   for  us,”  says  norbert  Ducrot,  senior
        manufacturing  analysis  and  critical   executive  VP,  asia-Pacific,  eurocopter.
        structural  component  design  for  airbus   “we  continuously  emphasise  the  need
        and  other  major  names,  sees  itself  as   to  develop  new  business  offerings  and
        a holistic entity where constant process   to  reinvent  value  proposition  to  our
        analysis and critical thinking about those   customers.” that obviously makes sense
        processes are not just possible - but are   if it brings in extra business, but how to
        expected  from  the  staff.  “our  in-house   make  that  happen?  Ducrot  asserts  the
        training  emphasises  critical  thinking   best  approach    is  to  engage  in  what  he
        that  empowers  our  engineers  to  act  on   describes  as  “action  learning”  where

                                                                                     If you don’t have
           Singapore’s Rolls-Royce is particularly proud that two employees     the best people the
           from the Advanced Technology Centre at the Rolls-Royce Seletar       rest will leave
           Campus won the Sir Henry Royce Award for Technical Innovation
           and Engineering Excellence. Their innovative and pioneering work in
           developing a system for automating the previously highly labour-and   -  Thierry Baril, Executive Vice
           time-intensive process of polishing ship propulsion parts won them   President, Human Resources, Airbus
           the award in the face of international competition.

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