Page 17 - AAA JULY-AUGUST 2012 Online Magazine
P. 17


        company to be successful and innovative,
        the  ceo  has  to  be  down  there  on  the
        ground  to  see  where  it  can  innovate.
        too many people think innovation is just
        technology,  but  it’s  the  simple  things,
        it’s the things that stop people working
        in  silos.  that’s  innovation.”  Fernandes’
        example is the use of a single transport
        to  take  pilots  and  flight  crew  to  the
        airport.  “in  the  old  days,  they  wouldn’t
        dream of travelling together,” he notes.
        “but this is simply more efficient – and it
        allows the crews to bond better so they
        work together better.”
           Qantas  has  the  same  approach  to
        its  corporate  ideas  development.  “we
        see innovation as the door to unlocking
        creative solutions to problems we are
        challenged  with,  providing  greater
        value  for  our  customers,”  points
        out  webster.  she  says  this  can  take
        the  form  of  many  things  -  the  use  of
        technology  as  an  enabler  to  bring
        improved   alternatives   to   legacy
        products,   transforming   the   way
        customer  interaction  takes  place,  or
        a  more  proactive  “hosted  approach”
        to  passengers.  “having  the  right
        people  in  innovation  roles  is  critical
        to  success.  From  our  experience,
        forming a team of people with a variety
        of skills creates the right environment
        to generate ideas, formulate solutions
        and [find] ways to unlock the previously
        assumed impossible,” she adds.
           and  the  mix  between  new  ideas,
        new  materials  and  designs,  and  new
        people  skills  is  as  important  to  truly
        useful  innovation,  adds  krein.  real
        innovation  only  comes,  he  asserts,
        when the mix of experience and smarts   Upside down or downside up?     TOP Alaska Air was the
        glues various factors together to bring   the  last  and  possibly  most  contentious   first airline to switch from
        a new, innovative result.           issue  on  the  innovation  agenda  is:  who   paper based to iPad-based
           “one  of  the  things  airbus  does   drives it? according to epstein,  the idea   cockpits. All maps and flight
        really  well  is  to  use  its  broad   that innovation can be dictated from some   information are now on iPads
        experience to link ideas together,” he   kind of a management memo is anathema.
        says.  “You  can’t  just  add  all  the  bits   “innovative  companies  have  to  foster   ABOVE Pratt & Whitney have
                                                                                pushed back the limits of
        together and make it work. You have to   innovation  through  every  single  level  of   engineering with the new
        assemble all the elements – including   the  organisation,”  he  says.  innovation   Pure Power geared turbofan
        innovations  –  together  and  make  it   is  not  something  that  can  be  taught  or   - the first of its kind, and also
        into  a  working  whole.  You  have  to  be   dictated, he asserts. “it is something that   extremely fuel-efficient
        brave, to be unconventional and attract   comes from bright minds that know their
        innovative  people.  that’s  what  makes   products,  customers  and  markets  well
        us an innovative company.”          enough to continuously improve.”
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 JULY / AUGUST 2012  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  17
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