Page 15 - AAA MAY-JUNE 2012 Online Magazine
P. 15


        that Airbus received in 2011, 89% were for   number of seats per aircraft has risen 1%   The world’s most modern
        the A320neo, a narrow-body aircraft with   averaged over the last 10 years. industry   airport will be Berlin’s
        around 150 seats. Less than 4% of future   analysts see the same trend, and project   Bandenburg Airport due to
        Airbus  deliveries  are  500+  seat  A380s.   that small (50-70 seat regional jets) and   open in June 2012. To expedite
        so for the same number of passengers,   super-jumbos are not the key drivers of   departure, the airport has
                                                                                eight check-in clusters with
        that means at least three times as many   current  rapid  expansion  in  travel.  it  is   94 check-in desks as well as
        aircraft movements.                 narrow  body  jets,  run  in  many  cases  by   108 self-service machines.
           “Asian  airports  have  been  placing   the  by  low-cost  carriers  (Lccs)  that  are   The aiport layout has 25 piers
        most  of  their  emphasis  on  building   driving up numbers.           as well as space for up to 85
        large  terminals  to  accommodate  the                                  aircraft to park on its apron. To
        fast-growing  number  of  passengers,”   LCC’s shrinking aircraft       cater for LCC carriers it has 15
        observed  Prof.  Amadeo  odoni,  t.Wilson   this  rapid  growth  in  Lccs  has  seen  a   walk-in gates on the north pier
        Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics   dramatic  increase  in  the  number  of
        at the prestigious Massachusetts institute   smaller  aircraft  –  resulting  in  more
        of technology in the Us             aircraft  movements  for  the  same
           Prof.  odoni,  a  recognised  expert  on   number  of  passengers.  so  if  passenger
        airport design, notes that many airports   movements go up too, as they are, then
        have  been  operating  with  few  runways   the  limits  of  airside  capacity  are  being
        (the  typical  number  is  two)  under  the   reached more  quickly than  the planners
        assumption  that  aircraft  will  get  larger   projected.  for  example,  singapore’s
        and larger over the years. “this, however,   changi  airport  has  seen  an  11%  rise  in
        has  not  been  the  case,  due  to  the  rapid
        growth  of  domestic  traffic,  regional
        short-haul  traffic  and  Lccs  –  all  of
        which rely primarily on smaller, narrow-
        body  aircraft,”  he  said.  this  brings  the   Averages for 15 busiest airports (2007)
        secondary effect that though the number   Busiest airports in  Millions of Annual   Thousands of   Passengers
        of  passengers  is  growing  steadily,  the              Passengers        Annual Aircraft   Per Movement
        number  of  aircraft  landing  and  taking               (average)         Movements
        off is growing even more rapidly. Aircraft                                 (average)
        movement  numbers  are  exploding,    North America      53.1              642             83
        and  many  airports  are  creaking  at  the   Europe     37.2 (-30%)       348 (-46%)      107 (+29%)
        infrastructure seams as a result.
           the  planners  were  wrong  –  aircraft   Asia        35.8 (-33%)       234 (-64%)      153 (+84%)
        in  general  are  not  getting  larger.  the   Data: Airports council international (2008)
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