Page 15 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 15
have all committed to the project, due as the us’s nextGen national airspace
to the environmental, financial, and system, and the single european sky atM
technical benefits it could have for the Research (sesaR) as necessary.
industry,” he says – though he does not “Given the rapid growth in air traffic
comment on when we can expect a plan within the regions, there is a need for
or changes to improve the situation. coordination and harmonisation amongst
along with the complexity of the states in order to realise seamless atM
integrating not just local capacity and operations across asia-Pacific (aPac),”
capability but adherence to international he says. “In this regard, international
standards too, there are the issues of cooperation is the key given the cross-
sovereignty and equipment consistency border and cross-regional nature of air
which need to be addressed. and just as transport,” he adds. li asserts that IcaO
importantly, who should make sure of is best placed to be the coordinator and
that consistency. should take a leading role, building on
the principles outlined in the IcaO Global
Working together atM Operational concept, and then go on
according to Raymond li, chief air traffic to coordinate with aPac states to promote Raymond Li, Chief Air Traffic Control
control Officer (Operations), hong Kong seamless atM operation across the region. Officer (Operations), Hong Kong Civil
civil aviation department, the need for But li is, like singh, realistic about the Aviation Department
seamless atM operations across the enormity of the task to hand in seeking a
region will demand state-level planning broadly acceptable atM solution. the key
for any future air transport systems that to progress in this region is cooperation –
take into consideration the overall vision and therein, he says, lies the challenge.
for the whole region, with references “It is certainly not an easily achievable
from benchmark implementations such goal,” he says. Given the many culturally