Page 13 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 13
Traffic Control
The aviation industry in Asia is booming like nowhere It Is a fact that the qualIty and level
else on the planet. Numbers of aircraft, both of service across the asian region varies
quite considerably when it comes to air
commercial and private, are expanding dramatically. traffic management (atM) provision. as
But is the region’s ATM capacity expanding as fast as several experts have repeatedly pointed
out, whilst some countries are using
the boom – or are we headed for an aviation traffic modern systems and can provide highly
jam? Jeremy Torr investigates efficient services, there are still some
states that are not making full use of
current technology to give (or even offer)
modern and efficient services, let alone
allow a seamless experience for trans-
national regional flights.
“some states are not making full
use of [existing] on-board equipment
for efficient air traffic management,”
asserts Ken Mclean, Regional director,
safety, Operations and Infrastructure,
asia Pacific, Iata. the result, he says,
is a fragmented air navigation service
across the region. and while airlines
and other operators are working around
these issues, there is no doubt in anyone’s
mind that atM across the region needs
an overhaul to provide optimum safety,
efficiency and consistency to users and
passengers alike.
a perfect scenario would be the speedy
implementation of seamless airspace,