Page 11 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 11


          Xiamen Airlines
          commits to buy 40
          Next-gen 737s
          According to Boeing, Xiamen Airlines has
          agreed  to  buy  40  Next-Generation  737-
          800s,  valued  at  US$3.5  billion.  Boeing
          said it is working with Xiamen Airlines to
          obtain government approval for the order.  Jetstar Japan’s first flight
          Ihssane Mounir, Boeing’s VP, Sales and   Earlier  this  year,  Jetstar  Japan’s   this  was  made  possible  with  support
          Marketing  for  Greater  China  and  Korea   first  flight,  an  Airbus  A320  with  180   from partners Japan Airlines, Mitsubishi
          said. “This commitment from one of the   passengers, took off from Tokyo’s Narita   Corporation  and  Century  Tokyo  Leasing.
          fastest-growing  airlines  in  the  world  is   Airport,  headed  for  Sapporo.  On-board   Miyuki Suzuki, CEO of Jetstar Japan, said
          a  testament  to  the  world’s  best-selling   was  Qantas  Group’s  CEO,  Alan  Joyce,   that the new airline would help bring fares
          airplane  and  the  many  advantages  the   who said, “We’re pleased to be starting   half the price of major airline alternatives.
          Next-Generation  737  provides  to  the   services five months ahead of schedule   Although  sales  only  began  in  April  this
          airline and its passengers.”       and  less  than  12  months  after  the   year,  reports  say  that  well  over  100,000
                                             airline  was  first  announced.”  He  said   flights have already been sold.
          First AEw&C craft
          delivered to India                 SpiceJet goes to Kabul             have  ancient  cultural  connections  and
          Embraer has celebrated the delivery of   Budget  airline  SpiceJet,  as  part  of  a   the  launch  of  new  services  bridges  the
          the first EMB145 Airborne Early Warning   further  expansion  of  its  network  on   distance between the two countries and
          and  Control  (AEW&C)  aircraft  to  the   international routes, has announced the   help  to  enhance  this  old  relationship,”
          Indian  government.  After  integrating   start  of  thrice-weekly  flights  between   said  SpiceJet  CEO,  Neil  Mills.  Under
          the Defense Research and Development   New  Delhi,  in  India,  and  the  Afghan   its  expansion  in  the  domestic  market,
          Orgnisation’s  (DRDO’s)  systems,  the   capital  city  of  Kabul,  becoming  the   the  airline  will  connect  the  cities  of
          aircraft will be delivered to the Indian Air   sole  private  Indian  carrier  to  operate   Amritsar,   Dehradun,   Chandigarh,
          Force. “The collaboration with DRDO in   services  to  the  country.  Kabul  is  the   Indore and Srinagar to Delhi, with more
          such a complex programme strengthens   fourth  international  destination  for   cities to come. Spicejet has acquired 12
          the ties between Brazil and India”, said   SpiceJet  following  the  launch  of  its   new  Bombardier  Q400  aircraft  with  the
          Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President and CEO   Dubai flights. “Kabul is a very important   aim  of  enhancing  connectivity  to  Tier  II
          of Embraer Defense and Security.   destination for us. India and Afghanistan   and Tier III cities.

                              SAID WHAT?!

                               “No one doubts Basha’s intention to help during a crisis.
                               But he is untrained and must not attempt to do the ATC’s
                               job. Mere good intention is not enough in this case.”

                               So said D. Devaraj, Airports Authority of India regional executive director, regarding an incident where
                               an airport fireman known as Basha successfully guided a Jet Airways flight to land at Tirupati Airport,
                               in India. He’d had to “fill in” for an air traffic controller who forgot to show up for work that day!

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