Page 3 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 3


        EDITOR’S NOTE                                                           CREDITS

                                                                                JEREMY TORR
                                                                                ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                                                JOsEphinE pang
        bEhInD EnEMY lInES                                            
        in what it called a “major strategic announcement” airbus broke the news a few   ExECuTIvE PublIShER & CEO
        weeks back that it will be setting up an assembly line at the brookley aeroplex   ViTTORiO ROssi pRudEnTE
        in Mobile, alabama – deep in boeing home territory. Work will start on building
        the  assembly  line  next  year,  and  airbus  projects  that  will  produce  between  40   COO & MARkETIng DIRECTOR, ASIA
        and 50 aircraft per year will be rolling out by 2018. boeing, which has seen some   siVa sachi
        particularly  vexing  union  stand-offs  come  to  nothing  recently,  will  no  doubt  be
        smarting as they see alabama state stump up some us$150 million to help the   ART DIRECTOR
                                                                                aRThuR chan
        competition get the project up and running.                   
                                                                                WEb DIRECTOR
        The line, which will handle a319, a320 and a321 aircraft will put all the advantages   ElMER ValEncia
        of  local  construction,  cheap  non-unionised  labour,  incentive  perks  and  access
        to us-specific technologies and components into airbus’s back pocket. and will   CIRCulATIOn MAnAgER
        enable airbus to skirt accusations of being an Eu-subsidised, us-job stealer as   KhaiRul naEM
        it ramps up output not just in the us but worldwide. as Fabrice brégier, airbus   ADvERTISIng REPRESEnTATIvES
        president and cEO pointed out at the announcement, “the us is the largest single-  EuROPE, MiddlE EaST, SOuTh afRiCa &
        aisle aircraft market in the world – with a projected need for 4,600 aircraft over the   SOuTh aMERiCa
                                                                                cOnTacT: ViTTORiO ROssi pRudEnTE
        next 20 years – and this assembly line brings us closer to our customers.”  TEl: +39 049 723 548  Fax: +39 049 856 0792 MOb:
                                                                                +39 335 611 9295
        but most importantly, the assembly facility puts airbus right into boeing’s hitherto
        uncluttered backyard. it brings the ability to source materials and technology in   aSEaN, PEOPlE’S REPuBliC Of ChiNa, TaiwaN,
                                                                                hONg KONg & auSTRalaSia
        dollars and not euros – and stick a stars and stripes on each plane produced. This   cOnTacT: siVa sachi
        is likely to make a huge difference when the two companies start waging what   TEl: +603 778 12903/2909 Fax: +603 778 12915
                                                                                MOb: +601 2905 6825
        is predicted to be a major sales war as the us’s ageing commercial carrier fleet   EMail:
        needs replacing over the next decade.
                                                                                uSa & CaNada
                                                                                cOnTacT: JOsh MaYER
        The scenario is reminiscent of Toyota and honda futilely battling us-made gas-  TEl : +1 972 816-6745  Fax : +1 972 767 4442
                                                                                EMail :
        guzzler vehicles in the late ‘80s. Faced with a stubbornly jingoistic american buying
        public, the companies opted to take the battle to the enemy and set up car plants in   SwiTzERlaNd
                                                                                cOnTacT: RObERT ROTTMEiER
        the deep south. both successfully used a “Made in the usa” platform to eventually   TEl : +41 216 174 412 Fax : +41 216 170 921
        dominate the car market in several important segments.                  MOb : +41 792 104 466
                                                                                EMail :
        if airbus can repeat the trick that the Japanese carmakers pulled off, the market   iSRaEl
                                                                                cOnTacT: TaMiR EshEl
        for single-aisle aircraft in the us could look very different in a decade or so. and   TEl : + 972 544 508 028 / +972 989 117 92
        that’s without considering who will win the JV race in china. One question remains:   Fax : +972 989 199 65
                                                                                EMail :
        will we see a boeing factory in depressed greece or portugal? although that seems
        unlikely, one thing is for sure. airlines will be smiling all the way to the bank.

                                                                                Global Business Press Pte. Ltd.
                                                                                asian aiRlinEs & aiRpORTs
                                                                                level 34, centennial Tower,
                                                                                3 Temasek avenue, singapore 039190.
                                                                                Tel : +65 6549 7706 Fax : +65 6549 7011
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                                                                                 asian aiRlinEs & aiRpORTs is a monthly publication for
                                                                                 professionals working in all sectors of the airline, airport
        JEREMY TORR                                                              and related industries. Opinions expressed by contributors in
                                                                                 asian aiRlinEs & aiRpORTs do not necessarily represent
        Editor                                                                   those of the publisher or editor. This publication may not be
                                                                                 reproduced or transmitted in any form in whole or in part
                                                                                 without the written express consent of the publishers.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                             SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  3
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