Page 6 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 6


          Industry News and Updates

                                                                                Tiger seeks to
                                                                                break duopoly
                                                                                After  a  year  on  the  ground,  Tiger
                                                                                Australia  says  its  fleet  is  back  in  the
                                                                                game.  CEO  Andrew  David  stated  that
                                                                                Tiger would have three A320s operating
          Tiger completes acquisition of 40% stake in SEAir                     from  Sydney  by  October,  and  that  the
                                                                                company’s priority is to get their aircraft
          Tiger  Airways  has  announced  the   with  our  Philippine  business  partners,   back in the air, rather than on turning a
          completion of the transaction to acquire   our immediate focus will be on scaling up   profit. According to David, Tiger Airways
          a 40% stake in SEAir for US$2.5 million.   the business through network expansion,   aims  to  compete  against  Jetstar  and
          The company has stated that SEAir will   building  a  strong  customer  base,  and   Virgin  Australia  on  even  footing.  “It’s
          adopt  Tiger’s  business  model,  including   establishing the airline’s brand presence.   been a struggle for any airline to make
          offering value fares to destinations within   The Philippines has tremendous growth   it as the third carrier in this country. But
          five hours flight of the Philippines. Tiger   potential and we welcome the opportunity   we’ve gone from being the worst on-time
          Group CEO Koay Peng Yen said, “Together   to be at the heart of it.”   performing airline in the country to the
                                                                                best for 10 months in a row,” he said.

          Avation Plc receives               HK CAD adopts UFA’s
          first ATR 72-600                   ATVoice techonology
          Avation has received the first several ATR   UFA, a provider of air traffic simulation   Etihad to buy more of
          72-600 aircraft meant for the Asia-Pacific   and voice technologies, has announced
          region,  as  part  of  a  deal  with  Skywest   the successful delivery and acceptance   Virgin Australia
          Airlines and Virgin Australia. Aside from   testing of its ATVoice Voice Recognition   The  Australian  government  has  given
          nine  firm  orders  for  ATR  72-600s  that   and Response system to the Hong Kong   its  approval  for  Etihad  Airways  to
          will  be  operated  on  Australian  regional   Civil  Aviation  Department  (HK  CAD),   increase  its  equity  stake  in  Virgin
          routes, the company also has options for   part of an update to the ATTower Tower   Australia  Holdings  to  10%.  As  of  July,
          another  eight.  Jeff  Chatfield,  Avation’s   Simulator at HKIA. According to UFA, the   Etihad  had  less  than  5%  stake  in
          Chairman  and  Founding  Director  said,   system’s  voice  recognition  capabilities   Virgin  Australia.  According  to  some
          “This  is  the  first  of  a  series  of  ATR  72-  are  supposed  to  allow  air  traffic   reports,  the  partnership  between  the
          600s  we  are  buying.  The  acquisition   controllers  to  control  traffic  around   two  companies  has  already  delivered
          is  in  line  with  our  strategy  to  own  and   a  simulated  airport  using  prescribed   significant  revenues  to  each,  and
          maintain  a  fleet  aircraft  which  are  of  a   phraseology,   reportedly   improving   Etihad’s increased stake is expected to
          low age and very fuel efficient.”   access to and quality of training.     result in more opportunities.

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