Page 8 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 8
CAPA hosts LCCs
in North Asia
conference in Macau
The LCCs in North Asia conference is
scheduled to occur in early September,
and will gather professionals in the
industry to discuss if the LCC airline
business model is viable and sustainable
in North Asia. Hosted by CAPA, speakers
include Peach CEO Shinichi Inoue,
AirAsia Japan CEO Kazuyuki Iwakata,
Scoot CEO Campbell Wilson, and many
other leaders of North Asian LCCs.
BAOA protests penalty
First Dreamliner delivered to Ethiopian Airlines India’s Business Aircraft Operators
Boeing has recently announced the landmark delivery of the first 787 Dreamliner to Association (BAOA), which comprises
Ethiopian Airlines, the first Africa-based operator to receive one, according to Boeing. stakeholders of general aviation aircraft,
Tewolde GebreMariam, Ethiopian Airlines’ CEO said, “We are pleased to be the first has protested the imposition of penalties
airline in the world outside Japan to receive this technologically advanced aircraft. We by Mumbai International Airport Limited
have been waiting for this airplane and now that we officially have it and will show it (MIAL) on non-Mumbai registered
to the world, I can say with pride, it was worth the wait. This airplane is going to move private aircraft parked beyond an agreed
Ethiopian Airlines to the forefront of aviation leadership around the globe.” number of days. BAOA is now threatening
legal action. Congestion at Mumbai’s
CAPA calls for long- international airport has been a concern
term aviation policy for many years. “We understand the
issues at Mumbai. However, you cannot
Indian aviation is facing its most arbitrarily impose penalties without
uncertain phase in more than a decade, consent of the regulator,” said Rohit
having reported an estimated record loss Kapur, BAOA President.
of just over US$2 billion in the 12 months
ended March 31. As India has no civil
aviation policy, Sydney-based aviation COMAC and Boeing
consultancy Centre for Aviation (CAPA) open Aviation Energy
has submitted to the Ministry of Civil Conservation Center
Aviation (MOCA) recommendations for a Union stranglehold
new civil aviation policy for India. CAPA set for breaking in Oz The Commercial Aircraft Corporation
has been advocating for years the need of China (COMAC) and Boeing have
to create a long-term sectoral policy In Australia, Qantas has won the right celebrated the opening of the Boeing-
that should be viewed as governmental to run its business free from union COMAC Aviation Energy Conservation
policy. That is, to recognise that many control. “Qantas welcomes the decision and Emissions Reduction Technology
issues affecting aviation are beyond the by Fair Work Australia,” Olivia Wirth, Center, located in COMAC’s Beijing
purview of MOCA alone, as they touch Qantas Group Executive Government and Aeronautical Science and Technology
upon the Ministries of Finance and Corporate Affairs said. “It’s clear that the Research Institute. According to Boeing,
Commerce, the Planning Commission, Transport Workers’ Union’s demands the centre will to increase knowledge
state agencies such as immigration and were out of step with what is fair and in areas such as sustainable aviation
customs, and state governments. This reasonable for a union to demand of biofuels and ATM to improve commercial
will help clear projects more quickly. an employer. Qantas is free to run our aviation’s efficiency and reduce carbon
CAPA projects that passenger traffic in business as we see fit and not be dictated emissions. Its first project will revolve
India could increase from around 160 to by union officials who do not have the around ways to refine waste cooking oil
million in 2011 to 450 million by 2020. airline’s best interests at heart.” into sustainable biofuel for aircraft.