Page 35 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 35


                                             ST Aerospace injects
                                             capital into TEAM
                                             Through its subsidiary, ST Aerospace
                                             Engines (STA Engines), ST Aerospace
                                             has  pumped  US$1.725  million  into
                                             the capital of Total Engine Asset
                                             Management (TEAM), of which it owns
                                             50%. This investment brings STA
                                             Engine’s total share capital contribution
                                             to  US$3.425  million.  TEAM  is  a  joint
          Telephonics’ AeroTrac              venture  between  ST  Aerospace  and
          system certified in China          Marubeni Corporation, and provides
          Telephonics Corporation’s AeroTrac   engine leasing services for CFM56-3,
          Air Traffic Management System has   CFM56-5B and CFM56-7B engines.
          successfully completed China’s ATM
          system  certification  process  and
          received a  certificate from the Civil
          Aviation  Administration  of  China.
          AeroTrac features surveillance and
          track fusion porcessing, which its
          manufacturer says provides accuracy
          and  advanced  flight  information
          processing. COO of Telephonics Kevin
          McSweeney said, “We look forward
          to providing the enhanced air traffic
          efficiency and flight safety that AeroTrac
          brings to our Chinese partners.”

                                             Airbus enhances A330
          Donaldson beefs up                 Airbus has provided operators of
          customer support in Asia           the A330-300 and A330-200 with     SIA to retrofit 10
          Filtration solutions provider Donaldson   a 242-tonne maximum takeoff-  Boeing 777-200ERs
          Company has named Avio-Diepen as   weight (MOTW) capability, as well   Singapore Airlines (SIA) has announced
          their major distribution partner of after-  as an increased fuel capacity option   that it will be refitting 10 of its Boeing
          market commercial fixed wing aerospace   for the A330-300. Operators of an   777-200ERs, equipping them with
          products in Asia, strengthening support   A330-300 with these enhancements   new long-haul cabin products that will
          and services for customers in the region.   – which will be available in 2015   be more in line with the rest of the
          “By designating a distributor throughout   – will be able to carry additional   airline’s long-haul fleet. This will cost
          Asia, we are further improving parts   payload on longer routes. Head   an estimated S$95 million (over US$77
          availability and reducing lead times in   of the A330 programme Patrick   million), and will include Business
          the region,” said Sheila Peyraud, GM,   Piedrafita commented, “The A330 is   Class seats that can be converted
          Aerospace and Defense at Donaldson.   already a highly efficient and reliable   into full flatbeds, and larger in-flight
          Avio-Diepen has offices in Hong Kong,   airliner and we have taken it as our   entertainment screen sizes for both
          Beijing and Shanghai.              duty to maximise this even further.”   Business and Economy Class seats.

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