Page 38 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 38


        THAT’S ME

        Laurent Negre works for turboprop                     What’s your best/scariest moment in an aircraft?
        maker ATR as President, ATR Eastern                   My family and I recently went to the Maldives, and took a Twin
                                                              Otter seaplane ride from the seaplane dock there. It was
        Support. Since he was a boy he has loved              astonishing; really close to what the original days of aviation
        flying, and has converted his passion                 must  have  been  like.  Low  over  the  water  and  so  close  to
        into support work for the ATR series of               everything. Brilliant.
        passenger aircraft, which he says are                 How do you think the industry will develop in Asia?
        the best planes on the planet for the                 Asia is set to drive the growth of aviation. I think we will see some
        Southeast Asian market!                               consolidation, especially with major Asian players becoming
                                                              dominant over Western carriers. And Asia will continue to
                                                              develop in the passenger service aspects too.
        How long have you been in the industry, and how did you start?
        I did an internship with ATR way back in 1994, so that’s nearly 20   What’s the single biggest advance you’ve seen in the industry?
        years now. After I finished my aeronautical engineering degree,   I’d say two. First Open Skies, and second the convenience
        I went to work at ATR on customer support data collection. After   and simplicity of passenger handling – things like e-tickets,
        that I was lucky enough to go to Washington in the US for two   automatic luggage handling, seat allocation and so on.
        years. It was a great experience, and I still love working on the
        operations side of the aviation industry.
                                                              How do you see innovation developing across the region?
                                                              Asia will rapidly develop its technical capabilities, and
        What is the best thing about working in Asia?         aeronautics skills. MO will also grow rapidly, and manufacturing
        Asia’s big appeals are the diversity and the dynamism it   in the home markets – take Singapore for example – will
        has. Europe often sees Asia in a very simplified way, but the   increase. Big growth will happen in Indonesia, Malaysia (for
        culture, the dynamics and the economies are all much more   turbojets) but I think that will take a while longer in China.
        complex and different.

        What’s the best thing about your job?
        I love working with such a wide range of customers, with a
        multicultural team, in what is a key region for ATR. It’s fantastic
        – and we now contribute 50% of worldwide sales which makes
        us a strategic market too.

              Europe often sees Asia in a very                  Laurent Negre was born near Toulouse, and graduated
                                                                from Toulouse-based National Civil Aviation School (ENAC)
        simplified way, but the culture, the                    in 1994 as an aeronautics engineer. He worked in France,
        dynamics and the economies are all                      Australia, Scandinavia and the US before arriving in
                                                                Singapore. The proud owner of a PPL certificate, he was
        much more complex and different                         appointed President of ATR Eastern Support Pte Ltd, ATR’s
                                                                Customer Support centre for the whole of Asia Pacific.

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