Page 34 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 34



                                                                                ST Engineering acquires
                                                                                Volant for interior refits

                                                                                ST Engineering has announced that
                                                                                its subsidiary, Vision Technologies
                                                                                Aerospace  has   completed   the
                                                                                acquisition of 100% equity interest in
                                                                                Volant Aerospace, a provider of new and
          Embraer Executive Jets offers new maintenance                         refurbished interior parts and support
          add-on for Phenoms                                                    services. Volant will be managed as

          Embraer Executive Jets has launched the   Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 aircraft.   part of ST Engineering’s global MRO
          Embraer Executive Care (EEC) Engine   Edson Carlos Mallaco, VP of Customer   network, and will work closely with other
          Add-On option to complement the EEC   Support  and  Services,  Embraer  segments of the company to offer one-
          and Eagle Service Plan programmes.   Executive Jets said, “[The option] is the   stop turnkey cabin retrofit services.
          The EEC Engine Add-On option will offer   latest  in  our  commitment  to  give our
          a nose-to-tail maintenance solution for   customers peace of mind.”

                                             presence in Asia

                                             Provider of consumable and expendable
                                             parts has declared its
                                             commitment to the Asian aviation
                                             market, and has increased its on-
                                             the-ground  presence  in  Asia  by
                                             employing  two  more  regional  sales
                                             representatives. “The Asian market
                                             is incredibly important to us,” said   Able Aerospace offers
                                     CEO  Collin  Trupp.  “The   new Bell 206 part
                                             forecast growth for Asia within the   Able Aerospace Services, a provider
          A320 Sharklet                      aviation  industry is significant and we   of component repairs, overhauls and
          EASA-certified                     fully intend to support it by continuing to   approved replacement part solutions,
          Airbus has been awarded certification   increase our presence in the region.”      has expanded its offerings to include
          from  the  European  Aviation  Safety                                 the FAA-certified main rotor strap fitting
          Agency for its new fuel-saving Sharklets                              and pin replacement part (PMA) for the
          for the A320 with CFM engines. Similar                                Bell 206 helicopter. “We are pleased to
          certification is expected from the  FAA                               provide safe and reliable replacement
          soon. Commenting on the achievement,                                  parts for the Bell 206 main rotor hub
          Tom Williams, EVP of Programmes at                                    while  continuing  to  lower  the  cost  of
          Airbus said, “The certification of Airbus’                            the complete overhaul,” said Able
          Sharklets is a milestone which paves the                              Aerospace’s President Anthony Saenz.
          way for airlines to benefit from savings                              “Able has driven down repair costs to
          in fuel of around 4%. That’s better than                              save operators an average of 30% on
          we’d anticipated.”                                                    this scheduled maintenance event.”

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