Page 13 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 13


                                            year-on-year, with 61 million domestic  Shifted thinking
                                            passengers carried in the 12 months to   But a significant shift in thinking in 2003
                                            March 2012 (a major increase from 14   saw the launch of Air Deccan’s low-fare
                                            million in 2003), the country’s initial foray   service. At that time flying was seen as
                                            into deregulating its airline industry can   elitist, and a mere 0.3% of the country’s
                                            only be described as disastrous.    one billion population were potentially in
                                               “In 1994 the domestic market     the market for air travel.
                                            was deregulated, and a dozen private   “The price-sensitive market responded
                                            carriers launched operations,” explains   favourably,” recalls Somaia. “The launch
                                            Binit  Somaia, the  Centre  for  Aviation   of Air Deccan created a real buzz and
                                            (CAPA)’s Director South Asia. “Within   a lot of media interest was generated
                                            three years, all but two had closed.   around [cheap] 10-dollar seats.” Potential
                                            The high level of failure in such a short   customers “became very excited”, and
                                            space of time forced the government   between 2003 and 2007 domestic traffic
                                            to become very conservative and put a   grew at between 20% to 40% per annum.
                                            stop to the entry of any further private   At that time, the Indian economy was
                                            carriers,” he adds.                 also growing at 8% to 9% year-on-year,

                                               INDIGO GOES FOR RAPID cLIMB
                                               Last year, IndiGo managed to topple Jet Airways as largest domestic airline
                                               in India, with a 27% market share. In September 2012,
         RIGhT, FROM TOP: India’s              reported, “Over the last three months, the domestic air travel market has
         first Lcc Air Deccan was              shrunk by about 700,000 passengers. Only 4.36 million Indians took to the
         an instant success which              domestic skies in August against 4.53 million in July and five million in the
                                               month of June. [And yet,] over 1.2 million passengers chose to fly IndiGo
         was later acquired by                 against 816,000 who flew Jet Airways.” considering the airline only launched
         Kingfisher. however the               in 2006, that’s a pretty good showing!
         bubble did not last long
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