Page 19 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 19

FeATure Mro in AsiA

                                            provider] through its experience with the   notebook-based manual and  schedule
                                           … fleets of its other airlines, together with   programs are a great example  – but as
                                            its ability to conform to our expectations   Lufthansa Technik’s Reinert notes, it
                                            and unique requirements, ensure a trust-  is a delicate balancing act the industry
                                            based relationship and genuine peace   needs to come to terms with. “We have
                                            of mind for Jet Airways,” he said of the   managed successful cost reduction over
                                            recent MRO deal that the airline struck   the years without compromising safety
                                            with AFI KLM.                       or  training,”  he  says.  “This  is  possible
                                               The process continues. Asia as a   with investments in technology and
                                            market is continuing to grow faster than   processes, and we are sure that there
                                            Western ones, notes Moreau, with more   are further optimisation potentials if the
                                            and more capabilities already being set   stakeholders of the industry work closely
                                            up in-country by airlines themselves, JVs,  together.” Which sounds like good news
                                            OEMs and local MRO shops. “This is why   to Airbus’ Anderson.
                                            all MRO providers - including the OEMs -   “Asia is a good market for us so
                                            have adjusted their strategy and changed   we have to take care of it. We need to
                                            their business model to set up JVs in Asia   be pragmatic  about helping make  the
                                            to develop their business locally,” he says.  customer successful, and helping create
                                               Yet  there  is  one  slight  cloud  on   value for them. Today in Asia Pacific,
                                            the horizon, despite all the customer,  airframe MRO sits at about US$26billion.
                                            infrastructure, cost, equipment provision   This will grow to US$38billion by 2020 –
                                            and goodwill green lights. Are there   rough figures indicate a 50% increase,”
                                            enough trained workers to make all   he adds. But in the MRO world in
        ABOVE: Asia’s MRO market            this MRO business a reality – or will   Asia,  it’s  not  just  about  dollars,  he
        is on the rise, but one of the      empty hangars resound only to the   says. “There are plenty of shining stars,
        industry’s key problems is          ticking of cooling engines? Trained   people we respect in the business in Asia
        the potential shortage of           staff can be replaced by ever-more   Pacific.” Good news for the future of the
        properly trained personnel          automated processes – Boeing’s 787   industry, it seems.
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