Page 24 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2013 Online Magazine
P. 24

FeATure TrAining

                                            aviation industry – it is one where as he   Adrien Moreau, AFI KLM E&M sales
                                            puts it, “safety and standards should not   director, North East Asia, agrees.  “There
                                            be about the business model. Training,  is no discussion [on this subject]: flight
                                            products, materials should be common   safety is the absolute must. It is basic in
                                            across all operators and the highest   every service that we are providing to our
                                            standards of compliance should apply.”   customers: Air France, KLM, and all our
                                               Although this can pose more problems   MRO customers. Whatever the cost is and
                                            in a remotely managed JV than in either a   whatever the necessary training costs are
                                            purely local or purely overseas managed   we will make sure it is to standard,” he says.
                                            model, there is – as evidenced by the   That standard is rising all the time,
                                            explosion  in the  QANTAS  A380  engine  –  says Moreau. He points to the rapid
                                            no room for local conditions. “This was   expansion in China’s capability, driven
                                            a serious and rare event which we very   in part by demand and in part by smart
                                            much regret. On this occasion we clearly   provision by the government – with an eye
                                            fell short,” admits Colin Smith, director   to potential future profits, nonetheless.
        Several companies have              of Engineering & Technology at Rolls-  “I would like to give you example for
        set up shop in Singapore
        to train staff, but the             Royce. As a result, following an Australian   China, it has become a very big MRO
        island-city’s neighbours            Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) report,  market because of the large growing fleet
        are also popular options           “better  quality  assurance  processes  with   size. More skilled staff, plus a more and
        for firms looking to                supporting training” have been instituted   more stable political and active economy
        establish regional hubs             across the region.                  environment will bring a continuously
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