Page 24 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2013 Online Magazine
P. 24
come back for the following event, and
also rated the event as a world-class
‘good to excellent’ in feedback surveys.
Already most of the exhibition
space has been taken up, surpassing
the impressive take-up rate for the last
show. LIMA’13 is set to be even more
spectacular and fruitful than ever,
with the introduction of more lucrative
opportunities and networking sessions,
all expected to open up business
opportunities in the rapidly expanding
Asian region. By offering an array of
exhibits and innovative programmes
where key decision-makers and industry
leaders can meet in an unpressured
Moreover, ASEAN countries have been atmosphere – yet be assured of highest
experiencing increasing demand for air level representation – LIMA’13 will provide
transport due to the region’s economic participants with the experience of a
development, increasing trade and rising uniquely Asian yet global marketplace.
living standards. Many countries in the Exclusive trade days for the industry
region are taking heed of these changes only will be for three days from Tuesday
and are engaging in plans to develop air to Thursday. Flying displays will take
infrastructure, reform existing policies place each morning throughout the trade
and engage in deregulation of air travel days, which are restricted to accredited
to promote growth of the industry. industry, defence and government
ASEAN has seen high growth of airport professionals. The show opens to the
development during the span of 2010 general public on Friday and Saturday,
to 2012. The region had a total of 1,189 and the exhibition halls will run from
airports in 2012, an increase of 21 10am until 5pm. Associated industry and
airports from 2010. technology conferences and seminars
LIMA’s formula of targeted buyers, will also be held during show week.
carefully designed networking On the airlines front, the introduction
programmes, dedicated pavilions of LCCs by ASEAN countries has also
and exceptional infrastructure have increased regional competition, and
consistently yielded great results for its makers will no doubt be attending in
exhibitors. In fact, up to 90% of LIMA’s large numbers looking for even more
participants from previous years have sales. Countries such as the Philippines
LIMA’13 will offer dedicated pavilion platforms for SMEs and
aerostructure players to discover international opportunities, exchange
ideas and network. The SME Pavilion provides complete solutions for
SMEs to meet business owners directly, and also to be the sourcing
market for investors, fund managers and venture capitalists in the region.
The Aerostructure Pavilion offers an exciting opportunity for Malaysian
companies to demonstrate their newest aviation technologies to movers
and shakers in the defence and commercial aviation audience. Both
offer forums for leading figures from the industry and the government
to address the manufacture, development and implementation of
future aviation implementation and security policy. Both offer a unique
international networking opportunity with buyers, vCs, specifiers,
airline operators, CAAs, freight managers, leasing companies, MOD
representatives and more, all keen to talk and investigate.