Page 25 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2013 Online Magazine
P. 25
and Malaysia have been showing a high military personnel, academics, analysts IN ThE AIR
LCC penetration rate of 52% and 55% and industry leaders. What will you see at LIMA’13? This
respectively by number of seats. Vietnam, In addition, a Career Day Programme is just a selection, so remember to
one of the smallest players in ASEAN, will also be scheduled on Friday and bring your binoculars!
has launched its own national LCC, Viet Saturday, to promote awareness and * DASSAULT RAfALE & fALCON
Jet Air in 2011 and is poised for high LCC educate career professionals, college * LEARJET 35
penetration in the near future. students and entry-level job-seekers * EUROfIGhTER TYPhOON (fSR)
Currently, many ASEAN countries’ interested in a career in the aerospace and * BOEING f/A-18f
governments are implementing policies maritime industries. With support from * BOEING f-16D
aimed at triggering growth of aviation. corporate industry giants, the Career Day * US NAvY P-3C ORION
* Ah-64 APAChE
Total passenger throughput from ASEAN will be designed to empower students with * SAAB GRIPEN
airports is expected to reach 233 million the right mindset, skills and experiences * AGUSTAWESTLAND AW149
passengers by 2014 from 211.3 million to allow them to succeed in a global, tech- * AERO AT-4
passengers in 2011, growing at a CAGR of driven and fast-moving industry.
3.3% during this period. With such a stellar line up on offer,
To add to this growth potential, the and attendees from all of the ASEAN
ASEAN Commercial Aviation Awards countries and beyond – no doubt looking MALAYSIA ON ThE UP
will be making their debut at LIMA’13 at the industry potential due to be Development plans in the region
to generate discussions on pertinent unleashed by the ASAM (ASEAN Single include Malaysia’s positioning of
issues and challenges facing the industry, Aviation Market) and its effect on open KLIA as a regional hub airport
providing it with a compass for future skies agreements – there is no doubt with a greater number of transit
passengers and more cargo being
directions and growth. LIMA ’13 will be an event to remember. handled, along with the building
The power-packed conference aims of two new LCC airports in the
to facilitate top-level discussions on country by 2015. Other countries
shaping regional business opportunities More information about the Langkawi in the region engaging in airport
and will feature expert speakers from International Maritime and Aerospace construction and expansion plans
include the Philippines, Indonesia
all over the globe. It also aims to be an Exhibition 2013 can be found at and vietnam.
important event for defence officials,