Page 26 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 26


        Testing a new engine
        starts with components,
        goes on to static
        assemblies (pictured)
        then a single test
        engine on an otherwise
        standard aircraft
        systems and bleed air off-takes, creating   on  technical  efforts to  further  improve   they result in a high-cost failure; engines
        a more efficient power plant. This move   reliability.”                 are certainly becoming smarter, but self-
        to remove such as starters, actuators and   The work never stops, and incremental   maintaining is probably far in the future,”
        pressurisation  and  cabin  conditioning  to   updates are part of the game for all the   she smiles.
        electronic control means more power   major  manufacturers;  indeed  with  more   Nearer to now is the possibility of
        for thrust – and better economy. Contra-  than 51million hours and nearly 10million   printed engine parts. According to CFM,
        rotating fans help contribute to a cleaner   cycles of service experience, EA’s other   its LEAP engine will be the first in aviation
        burn and keep NOx emissions down. Rolls-  models have contributed directly to the   to  introduce  sophisticated  engine  parts
        Royce is developing new technologies such   new  engine with lessons learned from   created using additive manufacturing, or
        as ceramic or active magnetic bearings, to   the two existing programs, says Shannon   3D printing.  Although it has been used
        the point where they can be incorporated in   Korson, EVP, Programs at Engine Alliance.  extensively for rapid prototyping, CFM has
        new engine programmes or retro-fitted to   Some of the advances being made are   adapted it for production in the form of the
        existing engines. All these new components   not within the engines themselves, but in   LEAP fuel nozzle.
        have to be capable of surviving the   the control and support mechanisms. The   “This  high-technology  nozzle
        increasingly arduous conditions that exists   outside of next generation engines will be   dramatically reduces NOx emission by
        at the heart of turbofans – temperatures   bare of the current spaghetti of electrical   pre-mixing fuel and air, so that the fuel is
        equivalent to half that of the surface of   harnesses and instead have connections   burned much more efficiently,” explains
        the sun and pressures equivalent to those   embedded in composite rafts, saving more   Jewell. “Using traditional manufacturing,
        found half a kilometre beneath the surface   weight, improving reliability and reducing   the design of the part would be dictated
        of the ocean.                       cost, says Rolls-Royce.             by  machine  tools,  but  by  using  additive
           There is little point reducing weight and                            manufacturing, engineers are only limited
        burn rates if the engine is unreliable. So   Not as we know it, Jim     by their imaginations.” So instead of
        researchers like the Engine Alliance place   Looking even further ahead into the   machined, straight edges and more than 25
        a premium on reliability. “Engine reliability   future, there is the glimmer of self   individual parts brazed or welded together,
        has always been one of our fundamental   maintaining engines, agrees CFM’s Jewell   the LEAP fuel nozzle has curved channels
        principles,” says Kimberley Sullivan, EVP,   – but it’s a very long way away. “Today’s   and less than five parts.
        Programs at the Engine Alliance. “As well   engines are complicated machines, made   Those massive pods slung under the
        as extensive component, module and   up of roughly 10,000 individual parts,”   wings of your next intercontinental airliner
        full engine testing that were conducted   she says. “Advancements in remote   built from parts printed by an inkjet?!
        well before the first GP7200 engine flew,   diagnostics  are  certainly  making  engine   Believe us, it’s coming soon . . .
        EA  [managers]  and  technical  resources   maintenance more predictable.  It is also
        hold regular weekly meetings focused   allowing airlines to identify issues before
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