Page 38 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 38


        THAT’S ME

        Vivien Lau is the Managing Director of                First, the developing into the consumer market. Most Asian
        HACIS, the logistics part of the Hong Kong            countries are not just a manufacturing base now - take China
        based HK Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals                and Indonesia; there is growing demand not only for export cargo
                                                              but also for domestic consumption from new middle classes.
        Limited (HACTL). An MBA scholarship                   Second, ASEAN is supporting infrastructure investments. Asian
        winner from Henley Business School in UK              countries will be linked up via road, rail, air and sea. This helps
        and qualified management accountant,                  to expand traffic capacity to meet growing demand, and most
        she oversees the crucial links between                importantly, provides good opportunities for logistics providers.
        air freight and overall logistics at one of           What’s the single biggest advance you’ve seen in the industry?
        the world’s busiest air cargo terminals.              I believe “e-freight” is a significant step in transforming the
                                                              airfreight industry. This e-freight initiative is changing from
                                                              paper-based process to electronic workflow; but to make it
        How long have you been in the industry, and how did you start?  successful, the industry needs to re-engineer and transform the
        I joined Jardine Matheson Group (a shareholder of both HACTL   entire structure in the supply chain. I believe it will subsequently
        and Jardine Airport Services Limited) as a Management Trainee   shift the focus of logistics from a single mode into intermodal
        in 2000, moving on to marketing and business development of   services that emphasise cost efficiency.
        ground service for passengers in 2006. In 2012, I was appointed
        MD HACIS, a subsidiary of HACTL that focuses on air cargo   How do you see airfreight business developing across the
        logistics.                                            region?
                                                              Supply-chain management is getting more sophisticated now.
        What is the best thing about working at HACIS?        Intermodal transportation is the trend. For example, air freight
        It’s a new challenge! This is the first time I worked on air cargo   might be used to cover no more than the first 10 days of sales
        logistics and it is quite different from the passenger side. We   of  new  products; the  remaining  shipments  through  the  short
        have to provide efficient and cost effective services using Airport   six-month product life of smartphones or personal electronic
        Direct and Superlink China trucking services. I like meeting with   products, on average, can go by sea.
        different people and learning new things everyday. This is the
        part of the job that I enjoy most.                    What’s your best/scariest moment in an aircraft?
                                                              The best moment is to look out from the aircraft window and to
        What’s the best thing about your job?                 realize that “the sky is the limit”. There is almost no limit to how
        I enjoy working with different people to achieve a common goal.   far you can go in what we are doing.
        In Hacis, I can always look for ‘collaboration’ with different
        parties. I am so proud to see the long-term relationship that
        Hacis has been built with our Chinese partners, and carrying on   Vivien Lau is the Managing Director of HACIS and a
        the relationships.                                       qualified management accountant, and has worked with
                                                                 Jardine Matheson Limited since 2000. She spent six
        How do you think the industry will develop in Asia?      years in Property Management then moved on to Airport
        Intra-Asia trade has been increasing and it is projected to   Services, formulating and executing business expansion
                                                                 in China. She project-managed the first Sino-foreign JV in
        increase further. From my perspective, such intra-regional   Kunming, and then worked at Jardines head office before
        trade is transforming the region’s logistics market in two ways.   being appointed MD of HACIS.

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