Page 36 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 36



                                                                                Aussie Indians
                                                                                Air India has established a new route
                                                                                to Australia with direct flights between
                                                                                Delhi and Sydney/Melbourne at the end
                                                                                of last month. The Air India 787s will
                                                                                be routed from India to Sydney, then
                                                                                Melbourne  before  returning  to  Delhi.
                                                                                Last year, around 140,000 passengers
          Etihad Beats The 1Billion Barrier                                     travelled  between  Delhi  and  Sydney
          Etihad Airways has notched up over   across the traditional peak travel months   via Asian hubs. The new route will be
          US$1 billion in a single quarter   of July and August.” Total passenger   open four times a week, and marks the
          from   passenger   revenue,  and  revenues were just over US$1.03 billion,   first time direct flights have been made
          seen passenger numbers pass 3     and even cargo was up by 39 per cent   between the two countries for 16 years
          million.   Total revenue rose 11% to   to US$244 million – defying global   “India is Australia’s largest unserved
          US$1.4 billion, compared to US$1.3   trends. “Headlining our partnership   market,” said Kerrie Mather Sydney
          billion in Q3 of 2012, the airline said in   activities, we continued to work closely   Airport CEO.  “Sydney has Australia’s
          a statement. “The Q3 growth occurred   with regulatory authorities in India as   highest  number  of  residents  with
          in a climate of increasing capacity   we progressed our plans to acquire   Indian ancestry – with 217,000 people
          and ongoing price competition,” said   24%  of  Jet  Airways  –  the first  offshore   of Indian descent, 88,000 of whom
          James Hogan, Etihad CEO. “It also   investment in an Indian airline under   were born in India – so there is strong
          [came during] reduced travel during   the country’s Foreign Direct Investment   demand for direct services between
          the Holy Month of Ramadan, which fell   legislation,” said Hogan.       India and Sydney,” she added.

                                            Green Concerns

                                             Industry players and regulators met   Association of Asia Pacific Airlines
                                             recently in Bangkok, Thailand for the   (AAPA). The delegates investigated
                                             South-East Asia Sustainable Aviation   the impact of aviation biofuels, both
                                             Fuel Initiative (SEASAFI). The discussion   reducing  aviation’s  environmental
                                             centred on sustainable aviation fuels   impact,  and  how  feedstock  for
                                             that have the  potential to deliver   sustainable aviation fuels could open
                                             significant reductions in the sector’s   up rural socio-economic development
                                             long term carbon footprint. “The   opportunities across the region. “The
                                             introduction of newer more fuel efficient   commercialisation of sustainable fuels
                                             aircraft, fuel conservation programmes,   is one of the essential ingredients
                                             and improved airspace management all   in our quest to achieving ambitious
                                             contribute towards reducing aviation’s   environmental targets in aviation,”
                                             environmental impact,” said Martin   said Frédéric Eychenne, Airbus New
                                             Eran-Tasker,  technical  director  at  the   Energies Programme Manager.    

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