Page 34 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 34



                                                                                Korean Chopper
                                                                                South  Korea’s  Korea  Aerospace
                                                                                Industries (KAI) is planning to push its
                                                                                locally built helicopter, the Surion, into
                                                                                overseas markets. The Surion KUH-1 is
                                                                                the result of the Korean government’s
                                                                                six-year  $1.17  billion  project, started
                                                                                in June, 2006 to produce a twin-
                                                                                engine light utility helicopter. The
                                                                                Surion, which uses Eurocopter-built
                                                                                rotor,  gearboxes  and  control  systems,
          New Ka-62 takes off                                                   made its first flight in 2010 with ten
         Rostec State Corporation has revealed   advanced technology in high-precision   production models so far taken by the
         its new Ka-62, its first Russian aircraft   drives and gears. Customers for the   Korean Army. Powered by two GE T-700
         built in collaboration with international   new helicopter include Brazil’s Atlas   turboshaft engines, the Surion can
         partners.  Using  European-sourced  Taxi  Aereo  and  Vertical  de  Aviacion   carry around 4,000kg and a range of
         Ardiden 3G engines made by France’s   of Colombia which features GPS and   260km and 3,000m ceiling. The Korean
         Turbomeca,  it  uses  dual-channel  GLONASS systems, and is ready for   military has placed orders for some
         FADEC systems and Zodiac Aerospace   Galileo support too - the satellite   250 of the aircraft to replace its ageing
         fuel systems – also from France.   navigation system being developed by   Vietnam style Hueys, and the new push
         Additionally, the transmission has been   the EU and European Space Agency in   for civilian orders is projected to bring
         made  by  Austrian  firm  Zoerkler,  which   collaboration with China, Israel, South   in up to 300 more orders. With around
         has  many  years’  experience  and  the   Korea, Ukraine and Russia.   60% of the aircraft’s parts made locally,
                                                                                it will provide a significant boost for the
                                                                                country’s fledgling aviation industry
                                             Mikheev gets CEO post              say observers.
                                             Russian  Helicopters  has  appointed
                                             Alexander Mikheev as CEO, promoted
                                             from his previous role as deputy CEO   Slow Rotation
                                             of  holding  company  Rosoboronexport.   According to a new report from R&M,
                                             “Today Russian Helicopters is entering   the global commercial helicopter
                                             a new stage in its development,” said   sector will see a modest 3% growth
                                             Vladimir Artyakov, Russian Helicopters   up until 2023. The report notes that
                                             Chairman. Mikheev is tasked with   despite solid ongoing markets in
                                             continuing to broaden the company’s   HEMS, VIP transport, law enforcement
                                             range of products, and strengthening   and public safety both Europe and
                                             its  commercial  helicopter lineup.   North  America,  these  markets  are
                                             The company’s projections targets   saturated and not expected to register
                                             an increase in global market share to   significant growth in the next decade.
                                             18%-20% from the current 14% by 2020,   Emerging markets like Latin America
                                             including by expanding its presence in   and the Middle East are expected to
                                             the CIS, China, India, the Middle East,   provide the majority of growth over
                                             Africa and Latin America.          the coming period.

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