Page 33 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 33


          India Off SSC Blacklist
          India says  it has resolved two
          airworthiness  Significant  Safety
          Concerns (SSC) cited by ICAO, and can
          now fly its Boeing 787s to Japan.
             “The ICAO has conveyed that
          corrective action taken by India against
          the SSC have been successful and the
          country is no longer listed amongst
          the states  with such concerns,” said
          an Indian Civil Aviation Ministry (ICAM)
          spokesman. The SSC had ramifications
          for many Indian airlines, including the
          787-equipped Air India, which was
          refused permission to land in Japan.
          The Japan Civil Aviation Bureau decided
          Air India could not switch from 777-ERs
          to 787s because of the two SSCs issued
          by ICAO’s December 2012 audit.
             “The aviation watchdog, which had   Qatar Dreamliner to Bangalore, Delhi
          included India with the 13 nations with   Leading Gulf carrier Qatar Airways will   Moses. “We hope passengers flying
          the worst record of air safety oversight,   fly Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner to Bangalore   on Doha-Bangalore and Doha-New
          has now removed us from its blacklist   and New Delhi from September 1 from   Delhi routes will luxuriate on board the
          after a compliance audit last week,” the   its capital Doha. “We are introducing   787s  in  the  new  service.” Of  the  254
          ICAM official noted.               Dreamliner to Bangalore and New   custom-made seats, business class will
             The  ICAO  concerns included  issues   Delhi, which are two of our important   have 22 in a 1-2-1 configuration while
          relating to approval of major modifications   routes in India, to provide a great flying   economy cabin will have the remaining
          and repairs to registered aircraft, while   experience with excellent service and   232 seats in 3-3-3 layout. “India is a
          the procedures for granting Air Operator   comfort,” says Henry Moses, Qatar India   key market  for us with  an extensive
          Permits to non-scheduled operators   country manager. The Qatar 787s boast   route network offering 95 passenger
          and flight documentation systems for   wireless facilities to enable passengers   flights non-stop each week from 12
          scheduled  airlines  also  raised  ICAO’s   to  remain  in  touch  with  those  on  the   gateway cities to Doha,” Moses says.
          eyebrows.  Director  General  of  Civil   ground through internet and SMS   Currently, the airline operates a daily
          Aviation Arun Mishra supplied ICAO with   mobile texting, across both business   service from Ahmedabad, Amritsar,
          a corrective plan for both issues, and a   and economy classes. “Our Dreamliners   Bangalore, Chennai Goa, Hyderabad,
          three-member ICAO team visited India in   provide a game-changing experience   Kolkata,  Kozhikode,  Mumbai  and
          August to validate the Corrective Action   with  designed  interiors,  spacious  Thiruvananthapuram, with 11 flights a
          Plan and examine documentary evidence   cabins and custom-made seats in both   week from Kochi in Kerala and double
          in support of the blacklist removal.     business and economy classes,” says   daily flights from New Delhi to Doha.

                                             Air India to Lease 19 A320s
                                             Air India plans to lease 19 Airbus A320   to the documents. The remaining 12
                                             jetliners as the national carrier seeks   aircraft will be delivered through the
                                             to expand its services and compete   financial year that ends March 31, 2016.
                                             with other local airlines. The airline will   A spokesman for Air India said the 19
                                             take the airplanes on dry lease (without   aircraft will be used to replace ageing
                                             crew) for six years, according to tender   A320s in its fleet and to also expand
                                             documents.  The aircraft  will have 180   capacity. Air India purchased 31 aircraft
                                             economy-class seats and will be fitted   from  Airbus  between  1989  and  1993.  It
                                             with fuel-saving Sharklets on their wing   bought an additional 43 A320s between
                                             tips.  The  first  seven  aircraft  will  have   2006 and 2010, and is also taking delivery
                                             to  be  delivered  in  Q4  2013,  according   of 27 787 Dreamliners from Boeing.

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