Page 7 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2014 Online Magazine
P. 7
where firms can book up to four meetings Gloucestershire, are participating in the
(for free) with large aerospace companies flying display.
to ‘bypass the gatekeeper’ and speak
straight to the decision maker. Small Airbus
firms can ask the organizers to see a list This is the first Farnborough for the
of buyers and their interests in advance of recently rebranded Airbus Group.
the show, and then arrange for a private The newest member of the Airbus
meeting so they can pitch more effectively. commercial aircraft family - the A350 XWB
Amid big airliner orders and aircraft - is making an appearance.
on display at this year’s show, about 70 The Airbus wide-body family is the
aircraft are on the static and flying display world’s most modern and versatile range.
at the oldest active airport in the United Airbus is the only manufacturer covering
Kingdom. all market segments from 100 to 500
passengers and over.
Boeing Other members of the Airbus
Boeing is at the show with the new 787- commercial aircraft family at the
9 Dreamliner and for the first time has show, include the A320, and an ACJ319
a flying display of the P-8A Poseidon. Corporate Jet operated by Tyrolean, which
This year’s air show also marks the 40th features the widest and tallest cabin of
anniversary of Boeing’s participation at any business jet. The exclusive aircraft
Farnborough. includes lounge areas and a private
The 787-9 – flight test airplane ZB001 bedroom with en suite bathroom.
- is on static and flying display. An exhibition model of a Eurostar
Together with the Royal Aeronautical E3000 telecommunications satellite
Society, Boeing is also presenting airplanes complements the spacecraft exhibits in
built by students from the “Schools Build a the pavilion. Airbus Defence and Space
Plane Challenge” – an initiative providing has designed and manufactured more
young people in U.K. secondary schools than 100 geostationary communications
with the opportunity to learn new skills by satellites, which together have clocked up
building an operational light aircraft from more than 800 years of operations in orbit.
a kit. Two aircraft, constructed by students 43 Eurostar satellites are in orbit with 10
from yateley School, close to Farnborough Eurostar E3000 spacecraft currently in
in Hampshire and Marling School in production.
ABOVE: Farnborough
International says 70
aircraft are on the static
and flying display
RIGHT: Boeing is at the
show with the new 787-9