Page 34 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2014 Online Magazine
P. 34


        Four self-service kiosks,
        from Swiss company SITA,
        were set up alongside
        two bag drop counters
        at Jetstar Asia’s aisle in
        Changi Airport Terminal 1

        CAG explains the programs below:   boarding  pass  at  the  self-boarding  gate   helping us to focus on costs and pass on
                                           readers, before the system opens the flap   the savings to our customers through
        Passenger Reconciliation System (PRS)  barriers and allows them to pass through.   low fares.”
        Under PRS, passengers with no check-in   Self-boarding gates have helped to reduce   Self-tagging of baggage is common in
        luggage and no visa requirements can print   the boarding time for a full load of A380   most European and American airports;
        their boarding pass from home and proceed   aircraft as seen from Changi’s rollout with   while self-drop off is relatively new.
        directly to departure immigration instead of   Lufthansa, which is the sole operator of   Amsterdam Schiphol is one of the earlier
        having to queue up at the check-in counters.   the program thus far.   pioneers, partnering with Dutch Airline
        Airlines on PRS can also further develop   Changi Airport Group clarified that   KLM as early as 2008. Dutch company,
        their software to enable the processing   the implementation of full self-service   BagDrop BV, powers the Dutch system.
        of passengers using their mobile phone   systems would not reduce hospitality in   Malaysia’s AirAsia is also looking
        boarding  pass.  Airlines  currently  on  PRS   Changi Airport.        to launch their self-service drop off
        include Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific,   “Implementation  of  self-service  towards the end of this year at the KLIA
        Jetstar Asia, and Tigerair.        initiatives runs in line with the renowned   2 Terminal.
                                           Changi experience. With self-service   However, FAST@Changi does have its
        Self Check-in Kiosks               facilities, check-in agents will now be   own obstacles, “FAST travel is relatively
        Self check-in kiosks allow passengers to   available to actively assist passengers   new in this part of the world, and hence,
        check in, print their own boarding pass   on their check-in process and to engage   less-travelled  passengers  may  be
        and their own bag tags (only for Jetstar   passengers to offer a more positive   apprehensive in embracing this. With
        Asia).  This  will  give  passengers  more   experience,” the CAG official said.    that in mind, agents are on hand to help
        flexibility and convenience over his/her   The new self-service bag drop off   passengers through the new process,”
        check-in process. In the long term, when   further complements Jetstar Asia’s   the CAG spokesperson said.
        passengers are more familiar with self   ‘Straight to Gate”, previously only applies   “But in line with the wider global
        check-in and self tagging processes,   to passengers with carry-on baggage.   trend towards the adoption of FAST
        there will be greater productivity gains   “Jetstar  Asia  will  be  the  first  airline  in   initiatives, we believe that passengers
        with more optimal use of resources and   Singapore to be working with Changi   will gradually gain more familiarity on
        enhanced operational efficiency.  Airlines   Airport on a self check-in kiosks and   the system.
        currently on board the self check-in kiosks   bag-drop service for our savvy customers   He also commented that many
        are Air France, KLM, United Airlines, Delta   who expect innovative solutions from   airlines have expressed strong interest
        Airlines, and Jetstar Asia.        Jetstar to make travel even easier and   to move to self -service options and are
                                           more accessible” said CEO, Jetstar Asia,   looking to have more such kiosks.
        Self Boarding Gates                Barathan Pasupathi.
        Self-boarding gates improve productivity   “The  self-service  offering  will
        and efficiency by automating the boarding   streamline our operations and increase
        process. Passengers have to tap their   productivity at the check-in counters,
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