Page 35 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2014 Online Magazine
P. 35



          AAPA Welcomes Air
          Astana as Member

           The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines
          (AAPA) has inducted Air Astana as a full
          member of the association.
            Commenting  at  the  IATA  annual
          general meeting in Doha, Andrew
          Herdman, AAPA Director General said,
          “We are very pleased to welcome Air
          Astana as a full member of AAPA.  As
          a dynamic and growing carrier, we
          welcome Air Astana’s commitment   Lion Group’s First Airbus Rolls Out
          and support in working together with   The first Airbus aircraft for Indonesia’s   its growing domestic and regional
          other carriers in the region for the   Lion  Group  has  rolled  out  of the paint   network.
          collective benefit of the industry. AAPA   shop hangar in Toulouse, France.   The aircraft is the first from a
          will continue to articulate Asia Pacific   With the airline’s colourful livery,   major order placed by the Lion Group
          perspectives on global aviation policy   the aircraft will be delivered in Q3   in March 2013 for a total of 234 A320
          issues,  to  promote  the  successful   2014 and will be operated by Lion   Family  aircraft  (109  A320neo,  65
          development of the industry.”      Group’s full service unit Batik Air on   A321neo and 60 A320ceo).

                                             Satellite-Based Landing System at Sydney Airport

                                             A new aircraft landing system known as   management, Airservices is focused
                                             SmartPath has been brought into service   on  delivering  new  satellite-based
                                             at Sydney Airport – the first of its type in   performance-driven  air  navigation
                                             the southern hemisphere.          systems for the 21st century,” said Mr
                                               The SmartPath technology (otherwise   Rodwell.
                                             known as a Ground Based Augmentation   If required SmartPath is capable
                                             System, GBAS), is a precision approach   of  providing  up to  26  simultaneous
                                             and landing system allowing suitably   instrument approaches within a 42km
                                             equipped  aircraft  to  land  within  one   radius from the airport. The system will
                                             metre of the runway centre line in low   also reduce maintenance and provide
                                             visibility conditions.            more efficient calibration than traditional
                                               Airservices Acting Chief Executive   instrument landing systems (ILS).
                                             Officer, Mark Rodwell, said that the    “The air travel industry in Australia
                                             technology improves the accuracy of   has grown exponentially over the years
                                             aircraft positioning and can reliably   driven by both outbound travel and local
                                             guide aircraft along a predictable,   domestic demand and Sydney Airport
                                             precise landing path by correcting Global   remains the busiest in the country,” said
                                             Positioning System (GPS) errors and   Brian Davis, vice president, Airlines, Asia
                                             transmitting data directly to an aircraft’s   Pacific, Honeywell Aerospace.
                                             flight management system.            “Honeywell’s GBAS is a cost-effective
                                               “By integrating SmartPath and other   and easy-to-install solution that has a
                                             GPS-based operations with air traffic   number of potential benefits.”

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