Page 38 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2014 Online Magazine
P. 38


        Straight Talk

        By Kanika Tekriwal

        conTrary    To  popular    belief,  optimizing and  making these airstrips
        general aviation is the backbone of any   functional  with  minimal  infrastructure
        country’s progress, similar to commercial   will result in not only higher revenues for
        aviation, building of roads or any other   authorities such as AAI etc. but also have a
        infrastructure. General aviation provides   direct effect on the growth of the industry.
        connectivity on sectors not viable for   Another  key  deterrent  to  the  growth
        commercial airlines to operate on, it   of business aviation fleet in India are the
        enables medical evacuations and most   regulatory  barriers  frequently  imposed   their machines transparently available to
        importantly general aviation provides   on the industry. The business aviation   customers.
        instantaneous connectivity to the country’s   industry in India is not treated as a   Another step we have taken is
        captains of industry. India as a country still   separate entity by itself and is governed   optimal utilization of available resources
        remains far behind in the general aviation   by the same norms and regulations as   to increase  operator revenue  while
        sector, having witnessed negative growth   that of the commercial aviation industry.   simultaneously  decreasing  costs  for
        this last financial year. More aircraft and   Anyone wishing to start a general aviation   customers.  Surprisingly,  marketing  of
        helicopters were sold out of India rather   business in India has to wait over a   empty  legs  from  operators  has  been
        than imported into India, directly affecting   year in order to be granted a license,   minimal thus far. JetSetGo has been
        various businesses and jobs dependent   post which importing an aircraft takes   consolidating empty legs from operators
        upon the industry.                  another 4-8 months. These extraordinary   and brokers across the country and selling
           This negative growth or shrinking   lead times cause the business to lose   them through its mobile application and
        of the market is not owing to the lack of   money in manpower, offices, deposits on   other platforms.
        demand for these aircraft. The demand   aircraft and other overheads. The over   It is extremely easy for us as an
        and need for private jets and helicopters   all regulatory hurdles make the business   industry to blame regulatory and other
        remains relatively high. Many industrial   a non-profitable venture, ultimately   hurdles as the cause of lackluster
        areas in the country, both developed and   resulting  in  a  lack  of  interest  in  owning   growth. However, we have to look within
        upcoming,  suffer from a dearth  of air   and operating private jets.   the industry to optimize and change our
        connectivity.  Business  leaders,  owners   Outside of regulatory and tax barriers,   operating scenarios to align them with
        and executives frequently need to travel   the industry  also requires procedures,   international standards. The industry can
        to these sectors resulting in a directly   structure and organization. Six years   achieve double digit growth in the coming
        greater demand for aircraft than supply.   ago at my  previous role I used to sell  a   year  if  we,  those  behind  the  scenes  and
        The negative growth is due to the lack of   Challenger 604 at a price higher than what   the regulatory authorities, work towards
        organization in the industry alongside the   most Challenger 604 operators are selling   enabling it.
        high barriers to entry ultimately resulting   it at today. Input costs have only increased
        in the lack of a comprehensive support   but the pricing benchmarks set in the
        system.                             industry actually prevent operators form   About Kanika Tekriwal
           We at JetSetGo receive on average   selling these machines at the right prices.   Kanika has behind her over 8 years of
        12-14 queries a day for charter of aircraft   At JetSetGo we have been on a constant   business aviation experience both in
        and helicopter mostly from corporate   mission to convince operators to align   India and Europe. A distinguished MBA
        business houses and industrialists,   charter costs to international standards   graduate from  the United Kingdom,
        alongside individuals. On a few occasions   – this will only benefit operator’s and   Kanika  has  successfully  established
        we have not been able to service the client   encourage more people to invest in the   and managed 2 multinational business
        with an aircraft simply because of the   general aviation business making it   aviation operations apart from having
        lack of an aircraft available to land on a   financially viable. One of our missions is   advised and consulted on various unique
        particular airstrip (due to the airstrips   to increase the overall use of aircrafts and   business aviation programs.  She along
        limited capabilities). There are around   helicopters available in the country today.   with her recently launched JetSetGo
        450 unused or abandoned airports and   We launched  the  digital platform to  get   -  India’s  first  online  marketplace  for
        airstrips across the country. Simply   every operator in India on board and make   private jet and helicopter charter.
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