Page 24 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 24


        Cargo Conversion

        IAI Bedek expands portfolio of 767-300 conversions, reports AAA Bureau

                                            IAI bEdEk IS dEVELOpInG A nEw CARGO   itself as an excellent passenger plane that
                                            configuration of the Boeing 767-300 and   was  maintained in  service much  longer
                                            300ER, offering cargo operator a highly   than originally planned,” says Jack Gaber,
                                            flexible, affordable and efficient carrier for   Senior Vice President for Marketing and
                                            regional cargo operations.          Business Development at IAI Bedek.
                                               For the standard 767-300BDSF,      “With deliveries of Boeing 787 and
                                            Bedek is offering a choice of 9g Rigid   Airbus 350 picking up, we expect more 767-
                                            Barrier that maximizes cargo hold, or   300 to enter the feedstock. Those twin-
                                            9g net that offers lower acquisition, both   engine planes would make an excellent
                                            are safety measures designed to prevent   asset for low-utilization cargo fleets, as
                                            pallets sliding  into the cockpit.  The new   they  offer  higher  capacity,  compared to
                                            configuration will be provided with the   the 737 and 757, at lower operating costs
                                            net as a standard, carrying 23 Unit Load   on short flights, compared to the four-
                                            Device (ULD) cargo pallets.         engine 747/400 or 747F,” Gaber adds.
                                                “The 767-300 comes in two variants –   As  other  Bedek  767  conversions,
        Bedek is currently                  the standard and extended-range versions   each aircraft entering the program will
        processing STC for a different      (ER). Both can receive our conversion.   go through a four months process that
        configuration of the 767-300        With its operational flexibility and low   includes  the  opening  and  installation  of
        conversion with FAA and IASA        operating cost, the Boeing 767-300 proves   the cargo door and floor reinforcements,
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