Page 27 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 27


         Technical Support for A350
          RIGhT  On  TImE  FOR  ThE mARkET   A350, its carbon fiber structures and   as well as maintenance on the A380,
          launch  of  the  Airbus  A350,  Lufthansa   state-of-the-art engines and systems,”   Lufthansa Technik is investing in
          Technik is offering operators of this   says Wolfgang Weynell,  Vice President   the extensive involvement in the
          new twin-engine wide-body aircraft   Corporate Sales and Marketing at   development program  for the A350.
          a comprehensive, flexible portfolio of   Lufthansa Technik. “Our customers   Since 2008 Lufthansa Technik engineers
          maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)   also benefit from the operational   have worked on behalf of Lufthansa,
          services for this aircraft type.  experience we have gathered in recent   which will take delivery of its first A350s
            The spectrum of services covers the   years maintaining the A380, which   in 2016, with teams of airline experts
          entire life cycle of the A350 and includes   is quite similar to the technological   known as Customer Focus Groups.
          production  inspections,  material  demands of an A350 aircraft. The    These teams have provided support
          supply,  maintenance  and  maintenance   required  performance  of  engineering   for Airbus with numerous aspects of
          management as well as engineering   and maintenance services are already   aircraft design, from flight operations
          services, entry-into-service support   standard practice at Lufthansa Technik   and maintenance all the way to cockpit
          and LRU and engine maintenance. A   and will be available to A350 operators   layout. The involvement of these experts
          particular focus of services for the A350   from the first day of commercial   is intended to ensure a high degree of
          is aircraft IT management, since the   operation. The infrastructure needed to   maturity and reliability for the A350
          aircraft and its maintenance systems   maintain the A350 is already in place,   from the first delivery and its very first
          are much more cross-linked than those   and all of our preparations are on   day in scheduled service.
          of previous aircraft generations.  schedule.”
            “Lufthansa  Technik  is  already   In   addition  to   Lufthansa´s
          excellently prepared to maintain the   experience in both flight operations

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