Page 27 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 27


        Tata Power SED and
        Raytheon display new
        AutoTrac air traffic
        management system for
        the modernization of India’s
        air force bases

        than building new  runways and ground-  Steele describes ATM improvements   country is expected to witness a savings in
        based infrastructure,” says Dan Elwell , a   as  an  “environmental  and  business   operations of about $25 million over the
        commercial airline  pilot and former vice   necessity” as by 2030 it is forecast that 13.5   next five years.
        president of civil aviation at the Aerospace   trillion passenger kilometres will be flown   With India’s aviation sector becoming
        Industries Association (AIA), where he   annually—nearly three times the current   one of the fastest growing aviation markets
        was responsible for monitoring domestic   level. The number of aircraft movements   in the world, the Airports Authority of
        and international civil aviation policy, and   will almost double in the same period—to   India (AAI) has also taken a number of
        legislative and regulatory activity for the   some 49 million per year.   initiatives to upgrade airport and airspace
        U.S. aerospace manufacturing industry.                                  infrastructure to cater to the continued
           Demand for air transport is on the rise.   Passenger Experience      growth in air traffic with enhanced safety
        Most significant is Asia, including China   Without subsequent improvements in   and efficiency.
        where traffic is expected to increase by   ATM, the passenger experience is bound   “AAI as air navigation service provider,
        about 50% from 2013 to 2020. The Latin   to suffer. Delays at the major airports in   responsible for provision of air navigation
        American region will experience a 40%   China and the U.S., for example, could   services in the delegated airspace, has
        increase in movements per month, as will   near two hours in just seven years’ time.   embarked  upon  ANS  infrastructure
        the Middle East. African flight numbers will   Already, according to the Air Transport   upgradation strategy with the objective
        rise by 11%, IATA estimates indicate.  Action Group’s Revolutionising Air Traffic   of ensuring safety, efficiency, cost-
           The continued growth of traffic   Management report, delays in the Greater   effectiveness of aircraft operations with
        and the need to provide greater flight   New York airspace cost the economy $2.6   environmental  benefits  on  a  long-term
        efficiency makes it necessary to optimise   billion every year.         and sustainable basis,” junior Civil Aviation
        available airspace. This is being achieved   “We need cost-effective solutions   Minister K.C. Venugopal says. 
        world-wide by enhanced Air Traffic   that provide airlines with predictability,   The comprehensive strategy has been
        Management (ATM) and by exploiting   allowing them to be efficient and to plan   the  transition from  voice  to data-link,
        technological  advancements  in  the  appropriately,” asserts Rob Eagles, IATA   from ground based navigation to satellite
        fields of communication, navigation and   Director for Infrastructure. “This will   based  navigation,  augmentation  of  radar
        surveillance.                       increase aircraft and airport utilization and   surveillance, implementation of ATM
           More specifically, the application of   enhance the passenger experience.”  automation and enhancement in ATM
        area navigation techniques  in all  flight   Airports, due to the cost saving   procedures, he says.
        phases contributes directly to improved   properties of this new technology, may have   In the last decade in India, domestic
        airspace optimisation.              had reservations a few years ago, but are   air traffic has more than quadrupled from
           “Accommodating this growing demand   now giving it some serious consideration.   13 million to 60 million while international
        is critical to the sustainability of aviation   Among the developing countries, Brazil   traffic more than tripled to 40 million. On
        and will require nothing less than an ATM   was one  of the first  adopters  with over   the flip side, India is already experiencing
        revolution,” says Paul Steele, IATA Director,   a dozen airports now using RNP. And,   the effects of increased air traffic, including
        Aviation Environment.               analysts estimate that the South American   congestion, extra fuel burn, noise levels
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