Page 29 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
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        supervision  system, implemented  safety   transitions to high-performance approach
        responsibility and accountability at every   and landing capability.
        level-- one reason that China has amassed   The  U.S.  Federal  Aviation
        the best aviation safety record in its history   Administration (FAA) has also conducted
        with over 15 million safe flight-hours.  a comprehensive overhaul of the National
           According to a CAAC road map, the   Airspace System to make air travel more
        country plans to implement RNAV-1   dependable and efficient, while reducing
        and RNP-1 for all airport terminal-area   the impact of aviation on the environment
        operations within China by 2016 and,   and on communities around airports. The
        depending on operational requirements,   FAA’s air traffic modernization program,
        to mandate the application of RNAV-1 or   called NextGen, is expected to improve air
        RNP-1 at certain airports.          traffic management to save fuel and reduce
           Where  PBN  operations  co-exist  with   noise, pollution, congestion and delay.
        conventional operations, the CAAC plans   PBN, a cornerstone technology of
        to grant preferred route access to aircraft   NextGen, allows aircraft to fly more
        with PBN capability.                accurate paths by shifting reliance in
           The   CAAC   plans  to   expand  navigation to a satellite-based system.
        implementation of RNP APCH with        “The U.S. national airspace is being   India’s new GPS-aided GEO
        Baro-VNAV in approach operations. By   remapped with RNP routes, which serve   augmented navigation system
        2016,  RNP  approach  capability  will  be   as “Highways in the Sky” that help   (GAGAN)  is one of four in
        available to all instrument runway ends.   travellers get to their destinations quicker   the world which improve the
        RNP  AR  approach  procedures  will  be   and safe,”  GE Aviation Systems says in a   accuracy of the GPS signal,
        implemented at airports with operational   presentation paper.          allowing planes to fly shorter,
        requirements. The CAAC also plans to   Quovadis is also implementing iPad   more direct routes to enhance
                                                                                safety, save fuel costs,
        introduce landing operations based on   operations in several airlines in a bid to   reduce flight times, relieve
        Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)   commence paperless flying experience   congestion and increase
        and Global Positioning Landing System for   for pilots. From the earliest days of   capacity.

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