Page 28 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 28


        around airports and flight delays.     “India is the fourth country in the   Landing  System  (ILS)  on  runway  27  and
           Consistent high growth rate in civil   world, after the U.S, Japan and Europe to   a VOR (both ground  based installations)
        aviation in India in the recent past and   take up the challenge of establishing the   that  are  used  for  guidance  for  landing
        burgeoning fleet size of the airlines with   regional SBAS navigation system which   procedures on both ends of the runway.
        the  induction  of  new  generation  modern   will redefine the navigation over Indian   The RNP project in Kochi has been
        aircraft has necessitated the need for   airspace and other states falling in the   co-financed by Airbus and the French
        quick and rapid upgradation of facilities,   footprint of GAGAN,” the minister says.  Civil Aviation Authority. The task was led
        procedures and infrastructure.         Since India is managing one of the   by Quovadis, an Airbus wholly owned
           “The   ICAO   (International  Civil  largest airspace in Asia-Pacific region and   subsidiary dedicated to PBN.
        Aviation Organization) mandate for the   also  large  number  of  airports,  the  long-  Aditya Ghosh, President of IndiGo says,
        implementation of PBN procedures both   term strategy for PBN implementation   “This new technology will enable tangible
        in en route and terminal area has come as   is to develop in-house capability for the   cost savings, which  in turn  will  have a
        a boon towards optimising airspace utility   airspace analysis, PBN procedure design,   positive impact on our overall operational
        and efficient management of terminal   safety assessment and training.  efficiency. But more importantly, we are
        airspace at two busiest airports in India-   U.S.-based MITRE Corp, has been   excited about partnering in this significant
        Mumbai and Delhi which were the focus of   a strategic partner in India’s endeavour   step  towards  improving  air  traffic
        traffic growth,” the minister says.  to adopt a collaborative approach to   management in India and making it an even
           AAI has installed 66 Instrument landing   develop in-house skills. The process of   safer and greener environment to fly in.”
        systems and 93 VOR/DME (combined    development of PBN procedures and      Similarly,  subsequent  to  the
        radio navigation station for aircraft) which   implementation framework for Mumbai   introduction of PBN procedures in India,
        provide navigational guidance to aircraft. In   and Delhi airports was through the MITRE   another private carrier Jet Airways
        addition, Satellite Based Navigation System   experts with the active participation and   obtained regulatory approval for the use of
        (SBAS) called GPS Aided Geo Augmented   involvement of Indian officials with hands-  RNAV1 (Area Navigation) across its entire
        Navigation (GAGAN) system is being   on training.                       jet aircraft fleet. 
        jointly developed and implemented by AAI                                   “This method allows aircraft to operate
        and Indian Space Research Organisation   First ever RNP                 on any station referenced navigation
        (ISRO).                             Leading private carrier, IndiGo Airlines was   aids or self- contained aids or both, thus
           The GAGAN is designed to provide   the first-ever to undertake a RNP approach   enabling optimization of airspace, reducing
        the improved accuracy, availability, and   in regular airline operations while landing   dependency on routes based on ground
        integrity necessary to enable users to rely   at Kochi in 2012. IndiGo had collaborated   navigation  aids  and  permitting  reduced
        on GPS for all phases of flight, from en route   with Quovadis, the AAI, and the Directorate-  separation between two airborne aircraft,
        through approach for all qualified airports   General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to put in   without compromising safety  standards,”
        within the GAGAN service volume. GAGAN   place a safe landing procedure at the Kochi   the airline says.
        will also provide increased positional   International Airport.            Quovadis is also involved in providing
        accuracy of aircraft thereby permitting   The Kochi International Airport in   training for the safe and efficient
        enhanced safety and operational efficiency.   southern India is India’s seventh busiest   implementation of a full PBN in 11 airports
        The system will be commissioned this year.   airport, and equipped with one Instrument   in Philippines. The country’s largest
                                                                                national flag carrier, Cebu Pacific recently
                                                                                announced its support for the Civil Aviation
            From Stars to Pads                                                  Authority of the Philippines’ (CAAP) joint
            Today’s planes take off, fly, and land almost entirely under automatic
            control. The sun, the moon, and the stars, have lost their old      initiative with Airbus to help develop a full
            significance. It wasn’t always like this. Early navigators used a   performance-based  navigation  network
            sextant, an 18th-century instrument that locates position according to  mainly in Iloilo, Puerto Princesa, Butuan,
            the stars, using maps and accurate clocks or watches to co-ordinate  Cagayan de Oro and Zamboanga.
            position. Next (developed through wartime necessity) came ground-based  PBN helped serve as one of the core
            navigation aids (NAVAID), (non-directional beacons [NDB] and VHF    technologies for China to shift from a
            omnidirectional ranges [VOR]). These were further complemented by more  nation large in aviation quantity to a global
            advanced inertial navigation systems (INS) used onboard aircraft. Today,  aviation  leader and to  develop China’s
            satellite navigation constellations, inertial reference platforms, and  next-generation air transportation system.
            ground-based NAVAIDs are all integrated into flight management systems
            (FMS) to determine the position of an aircraft. Early navigation meant  The Civil Aviation Administration of China
            an aircraft’s position could be in error by miles. Today’s systems  (CAAC), working to the guiding principle of
            establish a position to significantly less , sometime down to a matter  “safety first with a focus on prevention and
            of meters.                                                          comprehensive control,” has constantly
                                                                                improved its safety regulations and
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