Page 11 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 11


        Virtual Connect

        Low cost carriers and social media By Chen Chuanren

        the  hIGhly  connected  sInGApore      now connecting all the dots, therefore   amongst each  other; Tigerair’s recent
        has one of the most active users of social   it is not surprising that low-cost carriers   price promotion gathered 153 ‘Shares’,
        media in the world.                 (LCC) based in Singapore, in this case,   and Scoot’s Tuesday’s Morning  Glory
           According to a study conducted by ‘We   Scoot, Tigerair and  Jetstar participate   offers are always in the hundreds in
        Are  Social’,  Singapore  has  an  average   aggressively in the social media realm.   ‘Shares’. Sharing allows a greater reach
        social media penetration rate of 59%, and   The advent of Facebook in 2004 and   amongst the passengers’ peers, and it
        smartphones are at 87%.             Twitter two years later had changed the   is sometimes these pressure that will
           Of the multitude of platforms,   way airlines especially low-cost airlines   spur and inspire each other to take the
        Facebook and Twitter are the most   budget themselves.                  motivation to purchase an airline ticket.
        popular, with about 3.22 million and 2.56                                 For the first time, customers’ feedback
        million Singaporean users respectively,  Top down bottom up and the     and questions are visible to the greater
        and these numbers are set to rise.   fifth estate                       public on social media. At a whip of a
           At the same time, Singaporeans   Unlike the one-way top down approach of   smartphone, passengers can quickly
        from  the  island  state  love  to  travel,  in   traditional media of television and print,   snap a photo, comment on service and
        2012 alone, they made 8.03 million trips   new media has an active audience, whom   complain on crashing servers from
        both by  air and sea,  up  4%  from  the   will respond to the news source.  overwhelming responses of promotions.
        previous year. Bangkok, Hong Kong,     In low-cost airline operations, regular   This  ‘fifth  estate’  is  a  double-edged
        Taipei and Seoul are the top cities that   promotions  are  a  common  in  these   sword. Tigerair and Jetstar Asia, whom
        Singaporeans prefer.                airline’s pages. Promotions are “shared”   has both Facebook and Twitter pages,
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