Page 12 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
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        have a respond rate of around 75% and   regularly carry out Friday Fare Frenzy and   persona is that of warm, passionate
        43% respectively on Twitter commenting   Tigerair’s Thursday Tigerflash between   and  genuine.  As  such, we’ve  developed
        on both service complains and passenger   various times.                consumer engagement activities  with
        policy queries.                        Service delays,  server  crashes,  etc   a clear  focus of  vividly demonstrating
           Social media is at the core of human   can be timely sent out to all audience,   our brand position and our personality
        communication,  positive (or negative)   and updated regularly. Citizen journalism,   e.g.,  9th Birthday (Around Asia in
        experience by a peer and greatly influence   a form  of social  media, sometimes   9-minute)  and  Travel  Less  Ordinary
        a consumer’s decision on an airline.     even  gives  a  faster  and  more  accurate   Facebook campaigns. “
        51.2% of Singaporeans uses social media   feedback to the airlines, after all, it is    A quick scroll down their sites shows
        to make a decision.                 the passengers that are the ones directly   Tigerair team now respond to queries
           One of the main motives of these LCC   affected.  In a medium that never sleeps,   promptly, usually within the average time
        strong presence in the social scene is the   (Tigerair has learnt it the hard way, see   of 14 hours.
        create brand awareness and presence, by   below), airlines have to be poised to issue
        creating audience engagement.       online statement even if the social media  Scoot
           The LCCs in Singapore embrace    team is off duty.                   Singapore’s low cost long-haul airline,
        and understand the power of the fifth   The advent of social media has   Scoot  performs excellently  in the  social
        estate. The airlines regularly interest   revolutionised how modern businesses   media and is spread across all forms
        with bloggers, and famous Facebook   market themselves. The virtually free   of platforms. Scoot quickly activated its
        icons. Scoot once had a comical exchange   nature of these social media platforms are   Facebook account even on August 4 2011
        between Singapore meme page, SGAG.   cost effective ways of airlines marketing   even before their airline’s official launch
        After Scoot slashed prices to Seoul and   themselves, with high penetration rate   on november 1 that year.
        nanjing, which was at height of political   into the audience. Airlines can limitlessly   “Whilst most carriers use social
        tension and bird flu cases, SGAG teased   promote themselves around the clock,   media as an extension of their marketing
        the airline for the untimely move. Scoot   solidifying the brand’s name in the   communication channels to communicate
        wittily offered the SGAG team a free flight   consumers’ minds.         the latest news, launch or promotional
        to Seoul and promoted their ScootProtect                                offer, we started our foray into social
        insurance package to SGAG fans. Instead  Tigerair                       media when Scoot was first announced
        of ignoring the issue, with their cheeky   Singapore’s  first  low-cost  carrier,  to the world and unknown by most” said
        brand identity, Scoot responded in tongue   Tigerair was slower on embarking on the   Scoot’s Marketing Manager, Miss Sharon
        in cheek manner and the surge of audience   social media platform, the last to be on   Koh, “With not a single ticket to sell nor a
        engagement made them winners with   Facebook on July 7 2009. Currently, their   flight to fly, our objectives were to:
        SGAG.  They even named one of their   Facebook account has 792 240 fans, of   1) Build up a sizeable community by the
        Boeing 777 after suggestions by SGAG.   whichg15.6% are Singaporeans, seeing   time we started to go on sale
           Social media revolves around the digital   an  average  increase  of  around  10  000   2) Introduce the airline and the people
        age. At a click of a mouse, low-cost airlines   fans monthly. At the same time, Tigerair   behind it to the community at large, so they
        are able to analyse customers’ trends,   operates TigerairSG Twitter site dedicated   would understand our business model and
        favourite destination, and even most   for Singapore based Tigerair services,   excite them enough to give us a try.”
        complained topic. From there, they are   and you Tube sites, Tigerair Australia and   The  airline’s  launch  was  much
        able to strategize marketing campaigns,   Tigerair Mandala.             anticipated by the public, and by December,
        and work on customer service standards.    When Tiger Airways was grounded by   they had garnered 20,000 ‘Likes’ from the
                                            Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia   public. At time of writing, Scoot has 855
        Timely                              in 2011, customers hurled nasty comments   859 fans on Facebook, of which 30.5% are
        An advantage of  social media over   and complaints at their sites. The airline   from Singapore.
        traditional  media  would be its  timely   only responded three days later, a little   To  put  into  perspective,  parent
        and instantaneous reporting by  both the   too late for stranded passengers. Since   company, Singapore Airlines only has
        LCCs and their customers. Since LCC   this saga, then Tiger Airways saw the   783 784 fans since their Facebook launch
        pricings are very dynamic and seasonal,   power and effects of social media on their   in December 2007. By far, Scoot has the
        social  media  had  allowed  the  airlines  to   airline.  Since,  Tiger  Airways  rebranded   highest fan growth in terms of numbers at
        orchestrate promotions that are by the   themselves as Tigerair in 2013.  over a month 14500 on Facebook, despite
        minute.  For example, Scoot conducts a   Alexander Knigge, Chief Commercial   a modest 1.72% increase.
        weekly Morning Glory promotion every   Development Officer, Tigerair explains:   Scoot is extremely active in Facebook;
        Tuesday morning between 7am-9am, and   “Since our rebranding in July 2013, our   an average of around 18 posts a week,
        real time Scoot-Consumer promotion held   refreshed brand proposition is about   and  uses  its  casual  and  cheeky  modus
        in  a  virtual  chat  room.  Similarly,  Jetstar   Tigerair “taking you there” and our brand   operandi to its full effect. There posts are
        12   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2014                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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