Page 13 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 13


                                                                                   However, the success of a brand on
                                                                                social media is again largely dependant
                                                                                on the interaction between the users and
                                                                                the airline.
                                                                                   Knigge also said, “When it comes to
                                                                                social media, it’s less about direct sales and
                                                                                more about brand building and establishing
                                                                                that ability to listen to our customers in
                                                                                social media, to learn from them and have
                                                                                a one-to-one communication with them.
                                                                                It’s not really only about getting people to
                                                                                book flights with us. However, if you have
                                                                                a good feeling about us due to these social
        decked with cartoons and comics, many   empowered to resolve customer requests   interactions, we certainly hope that it will
        a time in sync with current matters, like   directly, like making changes to bookings. “  translate to sales.”
        below, the haze that shrouded Singapore.   For the past month, Jetstar Asia has   Social media humanises the brands
           To be in touch with her China based   the largest percentage fan growth over   into ‘living’ interacting entity and engages
        passengers, Scoots has a microblog, Weibo,   Facebook at 5.87%, however only at 9761   the audience.  Jetstar explained,  “Our
        which alone has 132 100 followers since its   in terms of numbers.      team always sign off with their names
        2012, and Kakao Talk fans in Korea.    Since, Jetstar has revealed in 2010 that   when responding to customers. It’s
           Ms Koh also revealed that Scoot would   they will direct 40% of marketing budget into   important for us to build a personal
        be starting a WeChat account in China.  social media. Jetstar was the first LCC to   connection with our customers and
           The  airline  regularly  engages  the   provide long-haul services from Singapore   communicating with them on a first-name
        public  at  regular  basics,  besides  usual   direct to Melbourne on their A330-300   basis helps enable this”
        customer feedback on Twitter, recently   in  2010  and  marketed the  route  and  the   Actions like these in turn increases
        they are asked to vote for the design for   Business Class aggressively on Facebook   brand loyalty and keeping the brand
        the in-flight blanket, and “Decide the   and even sponsored a group of Singaporeans   name fresh in their minds, multiple
        Fare” during the airline’s inception.  to a new Zealand tour, which was featured in   exposures of ads and posts solidifies the
                                            their youTube channel.              brand identity and association.  Ms Koh
        Jetstar Asia                           ”We understand that customers    stresses that, “We will always retain two
        Jetstar Asia, part of Jetstar Group is the   want a quick and easy travel experience   key components which is what sets Scoot
        largest LCC in the Asia-Pacific region, and   so we provide access to services like   apart from other carriers on social media:
        amongst the first to establish their social   web check-in and Straight-to-Gate and   1) Be real & authentic
        media efforts.  In addition, to Facebook and   opportunities to communicate with us via   2) always be a friend.”
        Twitter  page  set  up  in  October  2008  and   Skype,  Ask  Jess,  Facebook  and  Twitter.   There is no denying that social media
        2009 respectively, Jetstar Group also owns   The newly launched Ask Jess, a virtual   will play an important part in the low
        a  youTube Channel, which currently has   assistant on providing real-  cost carrier market. The dynamic nature
        2182 subscribers. The channel features   time information, is a good example   of social media means that LCCs must
        videos from commercial ads, to the   of how Jetstar continues to invest in   continue to evolve their strategies and
        construction of their latest Boeing 787.  innovative and effective customer care to   marketing methods. Mr Khan said on top
           Ameel Khan, Social Media Manager of   differentiate ourselves from competition.   of sales and promotions, Jetstar aims to
        Jetstar, said “We see social media as both a   Despite the importance and the   provide “inspiration to travel more and
        marketing platform and a communications   surge  of  social  media,  it  is  almost  not   see the region for less” he added, “As
        platform – focussing on ensuring that our   able to directly connect social media   innovation is a key focus for us, we are
        social media presence is fundamentally   response to the LCC’s growth and   always looking at adapting new trends and
        useful to our customers. So, while we   revenue.  ‘Fans’, ‘Likes’ and ‘shares’ are   new tools to connect with our customers
        do  use  it  as  a  marketing  and  branding   simple key performance indexes on the   on an even more personal level. “
        channel (for telling our fans and followers   airline’s outreach into the mass media
        about our excellent sales, competitions   scene.  Although it is notable to know   Chen Chuanren studies the social media
        and  announcements),  we  also  use  it  as  a   that  with  modern  complex  logics,  and   and how it impacts the Low-Cost Carriers
        support channel (for assisting customers   “robust tracking links it is able to analyse   (LCC)  industry. He looks at how LCC in
        with queries and resolving any issues they   conversion from social media links and   Singapore  strategize  their  marketing
        might have). Our social media team consists   measure  the  return  of  investment  to   moves, with insights from Jetstar, Scoot
        of trained Customer Care agents who are   sales. “ Scoot revealed       and Tigerair.
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