Page 19 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 19


        9,250 worldwide, from the current figure   300 such executive jets operating today.   What makes you feel that India
        of approximately 8,000. Of these, 50 per   In  terms  of  Embraer’s  presence  in  the   is an exciting market?
        cent of the demand for executive jets is   country, we have enjoyed a good reception   There are 130 private executive jets in
        expected to be from the United States. In   for our aircraft in India, with customers in   India of which 26 belong to Embraer. The
        Asia, China is the most important market   the country for all of our product types.     buyers include government agencies such
        followed by India, Indonesia and other   Our commercial aircraft have been flying   as the Indian Air Force, Coast Guard and
        countries.                          in India for some time while in terms of   private companies and individuals.
           Buying your  own jet should make   our  executive  jets.  We  look  forward  to   More and more businessmen and
        business sense. Profitability depends on   selling our new Legacy 500, which is due   travellers  discover  the  productivity  value
        how  many  times  one  will  need  to  fly  to   to enter service this year, and the Lineage   of business jets.  now these jets are a
        justify the investment. It also helps save   1000E jets to customers in India and   necessity rather than a luxury. We are
        both time and costs.                other countries.                    optimistic that biz jets will be more in
                                                                                demand, and we have products to cater to
        Tell us about the year that passed by:  Challenges Faced in India?      every kind of need.
        The year 2013 had been good for Embraer   Despite  the  huge  potential  in  India,  it   India’s leading 500 companies generate
        with sales of 119 jets, thus going up in   has not been exploited because the   almost $1 trillion in annual revenue and
        market share to 17.6 per cent.      infrastructure for these jets  to operate   corporate profits are increasing. These
                                            is still very limited. Unlike in the leading   are encouraging signs for us. Also, there
        How do you see the market           markets,  such  as  the  U.S,  there  are   is an opportunity for fleet renewal with
        in the Asian region?                no separate or dedicated terminals or   almost 60 per cent of all biz jets in India
        India has a huge market potential for   entrance for customers of executive jets   being over six years and some more than
        executive jets. We estimate that over 200   at the airports in India. High taxes, rising   10 years.  So it is time for owners and
        executive jets will be bought in India in   costs to land and park, and fewer parking   operators to review their fleets.
        the  next  10  years.  With  just  130  jets  in   slots are also a hindrance. We know, it
        all from all suppliers, it has a long way   does not happen overnight... The U.S. took
        to go compared to, say, China, which has   25 years to get to where it is today.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                   MAY / JUNE 2014  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  19
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