Page 21 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2014 Online Magazine
P. 21


        provided across all cabins, with built-in
        magnetic audio jacks to ensure the best     These new living spaces will raise
        sound quality.                       inflight product and service standards to
           The A380 aircraft will have full mobile   their highest level yet in commercial aviation
        and Wi-Fi service while the B787 will be
        equipped with Wi-Fi.                 and alter air travellers’ expectations of
           James   Hogan,  Etihad  Airways’  inflight comfort and luxury forever.
        President and Chief Executive Officer, said:
        “These new living spaces will raise inflight    – James Hogan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Etihad Airways
        product and service standards to their
        highest  level yet  in  commercial  aviation
        and alter air travellers’ expectations of
        inflight comfort and luxury forever.  together three leading design companies,   of  a  luxury  boutique  hotel  experience
           “Etihad Airways’ A380 and B787 will   Acumen, Factorydesign and Honour   to the sky in a way that embraced
        deliver the most advanced airline cabins   Branding to develop innovative cabin and   Arabian Modernism, an aesthetic that
        in the industry, while meeting all weight,   seat designs for the new fleets.    combines the traditions of the region with
        range and cost targets at our desired   The EDC collaborated with Promise   contemporary design, he said.
        seat count. This will allow us to offer   Communispace, a leading co-creation
        products unparalleled in quality and style,   agency,  to  launch  comprehensive The Residence
        yet at competitive prices across all three   consumer research and workshops in Abu   The Residence, which is certified by the
        cabins,” Hogan said.                Dhabi, Sydney, London and new york, with   European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
           In  2008,  recognising  that  no  the goal of understanding what makes a   for single or double occupancy, offers
        single design agency could deliver   ‘perfect flight’ and asking consumers to   levels of luxury and total privacy normally
        its vision for the new cabins, Etihad   help design the perfect airline.    found only on private jets.
        Airways  established  the  Etihad  Design   Etihad Airways’ design vision was   Each  Etihad  Airways  A380  will offer
        Consortium  (EDC)  which   brought  to bring the individuality and exclusivity   a boutique version of the Residence with

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