Page 30 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2015 Online Magazine
P. 30



        The Most Wanted Swiss Single

        The cost savings associated with having a single engine makes the PC-12 NG all the more desirable
        By Jay Menon

        OVER TWENTY YEARS AFTER THE FIRST   BMW DesignworksuSA executive interior   weight (13 lb / 5.9 kg) and maintenance
        delivery of the Pilatus PC-12 aircraft,   options, a new electric landing gear   cost savings.
        the business turboprop continues to be   system, external LED lighting, a wireless   “The cost savings associated with
        the “super single” of the Swiss aircraft   Connected Flight Deck system, and a Wi-  having a single engine makes the aircraft
        company.                            Fi passenger entertainment system.  all the more desirable,” says Ignaz
           The Pilatus PC-12 NG, which has gained   The aircraft, with a seating capacity   Gretener, VP General Aviation.
        a reputation for outstanding versatility,   for nine passengers in its standard   “A PC-12 NG with six executives aboard
        performance, reliability, and operational   layout, is now powered by a 1,200-shp   burns less than half the fuel of a midsize
        flexibility, has become one of the most   Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67P   jet with the same payload. This makes the
        popular   turbine-powered  business  turboprop engine, giving it 15 per cent   PC-12 NG the better choice both financially
        aircraft with over 1,300 units already sold   greater thermodynamic power, thanks   and environmentally,” he says.
        worldwide. Strong points include having a   to higher heat tolerance due to improved   The current PC-12 production version,
        cabin that’s larger than that of a King Air   compressor and turbine blade design. The   the PC-12 NG, competes with the Daher-
        B200, a flat cabin floor and a 4.3 ft.- high   new engine can safely operate 50C to 60C   Socata TBM 850/900,  the Cessna Caravan,
        by 4.4 ft.-wide aft cargo door, along with   hotter than the earlier PT6A-67B engine.   the Beechcraft King Air Series.
        comparatively slow takeoff and landing   The PT6A-67P’s extra power enables the    1,300 PC-12s, including more than
        speeds, excellent short-field performance   PC-12  NG to climb  from sea  level  to an   500 PC-12 NGs, were built through 2015 .
        and easy handling characteristics.  altitude of 30,000 feet at 1,920 feet per   The PC-12 NG has light emitting diodes
           In an effort to keep the demand high   minute, and cruises at speeds up to 280   (LED) to enable landing, taxi, recognition
        for the aircraft, Pilatus introduced five   knots (322 mph), 21% quicker than the   and navigation. The tail-mounted strobe
        new features in the latest models in   original aircraft.               light has been eliminated by incorporating
        2014. Incorporating new technology and   By  replacing  the  PC-12’s  original   its function into the two wingtip strobes.
        responding to customer feedback, the   hydraulic landing gear with a new electric   The LED lights are even more reliable due
        new 2014 PC-12 NG includes six new   system, PC-12 operators realize both   to their solid state design, and produce
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