Page 33 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2015 Online Magazine
P. 33


           As one example, Brégier cited the   popularity,  along  with  the  continued   comfort standard for long-range flights.
        decision of u.S.-based Delta Air Lines to   growth in air traffic worldwide.   “In the longer term, I believe we will
        select the A330neo for its transatlantic   “The priority today is finding other   move to evolutions of the A380: one might
        services and the A350 for the carrier’s   customers for the A380’s current version;   well be an A380neo concept – meaning
        transpacific  routes.  “This  confirms  the   we  believe we  can  and  we  will  do this  –   some upgrades of the aircraft, together
        quality of our A330 and A350, which   because the A380 is the most efficient,   with a re-engining; which would make
        complement  each  other,  and  together   today and tomorrow,” he added.  sense,” Brégier concluded. “As the A380
        form the strongest long-range jetliner   Incremental innovation also is being   is a young platform, we will continue
        family in the world.”               applied to the A380 in the near term. The   improving this aircraft in the coming 20
           Brégier  said  Airbus  also continues   possibility of higher-density cabins is now   years. There probably even could be a
        to see a bright future for its A380, based   being offered – with 11-abreast seating   stretched version – depending on the
        on the excellent results of the current   in economy class, as an example, while   market demand, and looking at what we
        13 airline operators and its passenger   still retaining Airbus’ 18-inch seat width   can do technically and financially.”
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